Monthly Archive

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 20641 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - November 5, 2011

The last of the funny picture pags from 2006 have been moved to the new Cybersalt site now.  To view them, start at "Florida Squirrel" and keep clicking "next." read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Doctor's Advice

A 92 year-old man went to the doctor to get a physical. A few days later the doctor saw the man walking down the street with a gorgeous young lady on his arm. At his follow up visit the doctor talked... read more..

Pastor Tim

Keeper of The Spring

Keeper of the Spring The late Peter Marshall was an eloquent speaker and for several years served as the chaplain of the US Senate. He used to love to tell the story of the "Keeper of the Spring," a ... read more..

Pastor Tim

Quote #1208

"If all you have is a hammer, every problem begins to look like a nail." read more..

Clean Puns
Pastor Tim

Store Clerks

"Grocery store clerks make you pick paper or plastic because baggers can't be choosers." (Jay Salinger) read more..

Pastor Tim

One-liner #0755

"Why is it that when someone tells you that there are over a billion stars in the universe, you believe them, but if they tell you there is wet paint somewhere, you have to touch it to make sure?" read more..

Funny Pictures
Pastor Tim

Florida Squirrel

Ahhhh . . . the rarely photographed Central Florida Squirrel. ... read more..

Funny Pictures
Pastor Tim

Sheep Weave

Everybody was impressed when Betty came back from the cruise with a weave. ... read more..

Funny Pictures
Pastor Tim

Rabbit Hair Piece

Yes . . . It's a hare piece. ... read more..

Funny Pictures
Pastor Tim

Red Cross Moose

Is there a Doctor in the moose? ... read more..

Funny Pictures
Pastor Tim

Promise Keepers Husband

Pastor John had a lot on his mind - what with planning the Promise Keepers conference and all. ... read more..

Funny Horse Pictures
Pastor Tim

Horse Hummer

Why? Because Chester doesn't know the words. ... read more..

Funny Pictures
Pastor Tim

Studying Abstract Art

So much for studying abstract in art class. ... read more..

Funny Car Pictures
Pastor Tim

Motorcycle Dreams

Dream vs. Reality Dream . . . . . Reality . . . . . ... read more..

Funny Christmas Pictures
Pastor Tim

Rappelling Santas

Charlie Team's choice of disguises for their Easter mission totally missed the mark. ... read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - November 4, 2011

HBTM! Today there are a bunch more funny signs moved over to the new Cybersalt site.  Start at "Unattended Children" and keep clicking from read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

The Student Mind During Final Exams

Contents of The Student Mind During Final Exams 10% The prof. never covered this section! 10% Actual knowledge on the subject. 10% The Teaching Assistant is kinda cute! 10% I knew I should have re... read more..

Pastor Tim

I Need

I need a strength to keep me trueAnd starlight in everything I do;I need power to keep me strongWhen I am tempted to do wrong; I need grace to keep me pureWhen passion tries its deadly lure;I need a ... read more..

Pastor Tim

One-liner #0754

"There are two things I hate: Racists and the Portugese."- Dave Cook  read more..

Pastor Tim

Quote #1207

"Actions speak louder then words, So believe what you see and forget what you heard." read more..

Clean Puns
Pastor Tim

Breakfast Choices

Pancakes or French Toast: I waffle.... read more..

Funny Signs
Pastor Tim

Unattended Children

Not many children ran around the building at Open Doors Community Church. ... read more..

Funny Signs
Pastor Tim

Funny Signs
Pastor Tim

Post No Bills

Everybody is a comedian. ... read more..

Funny Signs
Pastor Tim

Error 404 Road Not Found

Transferring Smith and Jenkins from computer crime to traffic was a big mistake. ... read more..

Funny Signs
Pastor Tim

Do Not Sit On Crocodile

It looks like it is standing room only today. ... read more..

Funny Signs
Pastor Tim

Beware of Lambs

Vicar Jones was having second thoughts about accepting a rural parish. ... read more..

Funny Signs
Pastor Tim


And all God's cowboys said, "Ay-min!" ... read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - November 3, 2011

Oh look, Chicken Thursday! I moved 6 more funny car pictures over to the new Cybersalt site today.  Start at "SUV Seizure" and just keep clicking next for as long as you can take it!www.cybersal... read more..

Clean Puns
Pastor Tim


"If you have kleptomania, don't take anything and call your doctor in the morning." read more..