Monthly Archive

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 20640 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Dog Surfer

Rex was so not into this! ... read more..

Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Dog Rest

With the kids back in school, Fido had the first chance to rest in months! ... read more..

Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Dog Santa Pug

What were you expecting - Santa? ... read more..

Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Dog Ski

Now you know why he named his dog "Evinrude". ... read more..

Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Dog Laptop in Bed

This was bound to happen once ALPO let it's taste testers telecommute! ... read more..

Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Puppy Laptop

The extended warrantee on your laptop does not cover this. ... read more..

Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Dog Reindeer

Needless to say, Sparky was not thrilledwith how the decorationg was going. ... read more..

Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Dog Horse

The Raelians are at it again! ... read more..

Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Dog Husband

A new breed has been found:The Lazy Husband Dog! ... read more..

Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Dog Hydrant

The sprinkler running in the backgroundisn't helping anything either.  ... read more..

Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Dog Face

A face only a mother could love. (BTW, this dog's name is Max and he is available for adoption through the Oregon Humane Society. Thanks to Cindy D. for referring me to this funny picture.) ... read more..

Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Dog Glare

News Flash!!! Dog shelters switch to non-glare monitors in wake of SPCA medical test results. ... read more..

Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Dog Car Alarm

Freddy's car wasn't worth much,but that still didn't keep him from buyinga three dog car alarm for it. ... read more..

Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Dog Do Everything

Prince was beginning to feel like he had to do everything. ... read more..

Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Dog Vegas

Lulu was quickly sorry her owners had moved to Las Vegas... ... read more..

Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Dog Block

"No, I specifically said, 'Walk the dog around the block!'" read more..

Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Dog Cutbacks

Cutbacks added to Rex's responsibilities in the K9 unit. ... read more..

Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Dog in Bag

After her escape from the kennel Muffy laid low until it was time for her vacation surprise. ... read more..

Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Can't Eat

Morris' theory was you can't eat what you can't see. ... read more..

Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Dog Manger

Fleas Navidog. ... read more..

Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Dog Curlers

As soon as she heard the camera click, Lucky knew she would never live this down. ... read more..

Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Bad Dog

Who's a Bad Dog? read more..

Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Dogs and Flushing

Proverbs 26, verse 11 says, "As a dog returns to its vomit, so a fool returns to his folly." Rover still didn't understand flushing. ... read more..

Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Dog Beg

When this dog begs - this dog BEGS!  read more..

Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Dog Beg 2

Lance's pets thought he was going too farwith this "beg for your food" thing. read more..

Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Bat Dog

At least she didn't make me Catwoman. ... read more..

Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Dog Kidding

You're Going to What!?!  read more..

Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Dog Gang

Snake drew the short strawand had to walk the gang's dogs that day. ... read more..

Funny Dog Pictures
Pastor Tim

Cheer Dog

"Yeah, whatever. How come the cat doesn't ever have to dress up?" read more..