Monthly Archive

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 20640 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - December 26, 2019

Oh look, Chicken Thursday! Did you know the day after Christmas is Boxing Day here in Canada (also the UK, Australia, Trinidad and Tobago, New Zealand and maybe others)? Most Canadians, including mys... read more..

Susan Davis

One-Liner #1440

I really want to buy one of the grocery checkout dividers but the lady behind the counter keeps putting it back.... read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - December 22, 2019

Sunday Greetings everyone! This is the last Cybersalt mailing of the year and the decade! May God bless each and every one of you as the number rolls over and Jesus remains the same! Rev. James Snyd... read more..

Pastor Tim

Ah, Dearest Jesus

Ah, dearest Jesus, holy Child, Make thee a bed, soft, undefiled, Within my heart, that it may be A quiet chamber kept for Thee. My heart for very joy doth leap, My lips no more can silence keep, I to... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Last Minute Suggestions

Automotive Gift Suggestions - Just in Time for Last Minute Christmas Shopping If you have an "Automotive Minded" person in your life, these gift suggestions should be considered. 1. Tire Air Change ... read more..

Susan Davis

Quote #1877

"You can read every fairy tale that was ever written, every mystery thriller, every ghost story, and you will never find anything so shocking, so strange, so weird and spellbinding as the story of the read more..

Susan Davis

One-Liner #1439

Does your train of thought have a caboose?... read more..

God's Penman
Rev. James L. Snyder

Is This a Christmas Present or What?

One great blessing of Christmas is presents. Of course, at my age, I am not too interested in what I am getting but rather what I am giving. I cannot think of one thing I really would want. I got eve... read more..

Clean Puns
Susan Davis

Last Name Revealed

In case you didn't know; Yoda's last name was Layheehoo. When he was a baby his relatives called him; Little Yoda Layheehoo read more..

Clean Puns
Susan Davis

Christmas Tips

Two tips for Christmas: One: Forget the past, you can't change it Two: Forget the present, I didn't get you one... read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - December 19, 2019

Oh look, Chicken Thursday! Thanks to subscriber Kathie L. for sending some great chicken pictures - one of which is featured today! Not all of you are subscribed to my Pearly Gates Newsletter and so... read more..

Pastor Tim

Christmas Shopping with Children

After some last-minute Christmas shopping with her grandchildren, my friend was rushing them into the car when four-year-old Jason said, "Grandma, Susie has something in her pocket." He reached in and... read more..

Christmas Jokes
Pastor Tim

Christmas in Texas

Twas the night before Christmas, in Texas you know,Way out on the prairie, without any snow.Asleep in their cabin, were Buddy and Sue,A dreaming of Christmas, like me and like you. Not stockings but ... read more..

Susan Davis

One-Liner #1438

"Male reindeer lose their antlers in winter and females don't, so Santa's sleigh is actually pulled by a team of women . . . of course it is." read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - December 15, 2019

Sunday Greetings everyone! I have been watching/listening to a YouTube video while putting this edition together. It has moved my heart so many times! Give "The 2017 Secret Santa Sp... read more..

Clean Puns
Susan Davis

Easy Guess

How did Darth Vader know what Luke got him for Christmas? He felt his presents.... read more..

Susan Davis

One-Liner #1437

Happiness is a competitive advantage.... read more..

Susan Davis

Quote #1875

"The first Christmas was pretty simple. It's okay if yours is too." - Amy Weatherly read more..

Susan Davis

Quote #1876

Put Christ back into Christianity Love God Love Your Neighbour As Yourself Take Up Your Cross And Follow Me Forgive 70 X 7 Whoever Is Without Sin Cast the First Stone Treat Others The Way You Wa... read more..

Pastor Tim

'Twas the Night Before Christmas - Sermon Style

This evening I want to look at the very famous and familiar text "'Twas the Night Before Christmas". What we want to see is that this text is presenting to us a declaration of Santa Claus, and in this... read more..

Christmas Jokes
Pastor Tim

Christmas Signs

- From a toy store: "Ho, ho, ho spoken here." - In a bridal boutique: "Marry Christmas." - Outside a church: "The original Christmas Club." - From a department store: "Big pre-Christmas sale. Come read more..

Clean Puns
Susan Davis

Festive Retribution

"Join us at the church tonight for the hanging of the greens: they should have known better than to sit in the wrong pew." read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - December 12, 2019

Oh look, Chicken Thursday! Ask and you shall receive! A big thank-you to Cybersaltine G. Winter who came through with a Christmas Chicken picture starring her granddaughter. She also sent a... read more..

Christmas Jokes
Pastor Tim

Christmas in Australia

Thanks to list member Clarice M.H. who told me that "The Night Before Christmas in Texas, That Is" was written by Leon A. Harris - a student teacher she had. Clarice wrote, "Knowing my fondness for th... read more..

Funny Cat Pictures
Pastor Tim

Bye Bye Ornament

The last thing a Christmas ornament sees before it dies. ... read more..

Susan Davis

Hearing What You Can't See

My dad gave 50 bucks to a guy who said he needed to buy medicine for his kids. I told my dad he was probably going to spend the money on alcohol or something, but my dad said that "whether he was lyin... read more..

Susan Davis

One-Liner #1436

Instead of presents this year I'm giving everyone my opinion: get ready!... read more..

Susan Davis

Quote 1874

"Stop disliking people over what you've heard and be thankful God isn't disliking YOU over what He KNOWS." read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - December 8, 2019

Sunday Greetings everyone! There is a new funny picture page on the Cybersalt site. That's right, I remember how to do that! You might only get this one if you are a programmer or coder, but eve... read more..

Susan Davis

Quote #1873

"Blowing out someone else's candle won't make yours shine brighter. Remember that." - unknown read more..