Monthly Archive

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 20640 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Pearly Gates Jokes
Pastor Tim

Self Affirmation

Ineffective Daily Affirmations - All of me is beautiful and valuable, even the ugly, stupid, and disgusting parts. - I am at one with my duality. - Blessed are the flexible, for they can tie themse... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Impressive Dinner

A young man called his mother and announced excitedly that he had just met the woman of his dreams. Now, what should he do? His mother had an idea: "Why don't you send her flowers, and on the card in... read more..

Pastor Tim


Working as a pediatric nurse, I had the difficult assignment of giving immunization shots to children. One day I entered the examining room to give four-year-old Lizzie her shot. "NO! NO! NO!" she sc... read more..

Clean Puns
Susan Davis

Have You Seen Katniss?

Blindfolded archery: you don't know what you're missing!... read more..

Susan Davis

Quote #1803

"A disappointment can sometimes be a divine appointment in disguise." - Lysa Terkeurst read more..

Susan Davis

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - March 3, 2019

Sunday greetings everyone! Rev. James Snyder has found a positive use for some of the craziness in this world. You can read "It’s a Soap Opera World, Or Is It" read more..

God's Penman
Rev. James L. Snyder

It’s a Soap Opera World, Or Is It

As a child, I remember my mother watching soap operas in the afternoon. I never had much interest in them; I would rather watch The Lone Ranger and his companion Tonto. One afternoon I was sitting in... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

The Haircut

A young man had just gotten his driving permit. He asked his father, who was a minister if they could discuss his use of the car. His father said to him, "I'll make a deal with you. You bring your gr... read more..

Pastor Tim


My pregnant daughter and her husband were checking out a new birth facility that was more like a spa. The birthing room had a hot tub, soft music, and candlelight. "What do you think?" she said He l... read more..

Clean Puns
Susan Davis

The Shoe Fits

We maintain an excellent relationship with Holland because of the notwithstanding clogs.... read more..

Susan Davis

Quote #1802

"Prayer: The world's greatest wireless connection." - Unknown read more..

Susan Davis

One-liner #1360

Not only am I redundant and superfluous, but I also tend to use more words than necessary.... read more..

Pastor Tim

Introducing Manners

New to town, I was eager to meet people and make friends. So one day I struck up a conversation with the only other woman in the gym. Pointing to two men playing racquetball in a nearby court, I said... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Doctor's Writing

Did you hear about the doctor who wrote out a prescription in the usual doctor's fashion? The patient used it for two years as a railroad pass. Twice it got him into Radio City Music Hall, and once ... read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - February 28, 2019

Oh look, Chicken Thursday! I just noticed that last week I only said, "Oh look, Thursday!" Oops! I must have been tired. Speaking of tired, be sure to get a good sleep tonight - tomorrow we all start... read more..

Pearly Gates Jokes
Pastor Tim

Transplant Prices

In the Hospital the relatives gathered in the waiting room, where their family member lay gravely ill. Finally, the doctor came in looking tired and somber. "I'm afraid I am the bearer of bad news," ... read more..

Susan Davis

Quote #1801

"You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream." - C. S. Lewis read more..

Clean Puns
Susan Davis

Traffic Calming

I have an irrational fear of speed bumps but, I’m slowly getting over it.... read more..

Susan Davis

One-liner #1359

I always wanted to be a procrastinator!... read more..

God's Penman
Rev. James L. Snyder

Is Time a Friend or an Enemy?

The Gracious Mistress of the Parsonage and I were locked in a hopeless Mexican standoff. She was effectively arguing her side of the issue and I was, well, let's say I was not agreeing. I will not say... read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - February 24, 2019

Sunday greetings everyone! When it comes to "discussions" with his wife, Rev. James Snyder wishes time was on his side. You can read "Is Time a Friend or an Enemy?" read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Who Am I?

Years ago, when our daughters were very young, we'd drop them off at our church's children's chapel on Sundays before the eleven o'clock service. One Sunday, just as I was about to open the door to t... read more..

Pastor Tim

X-Ray Innocence

A young girl of 4 was told she needed an X-ray after an accident. Her mother tried to calm her down, but she was still nervous when the time came for the X-Ray. When she came out of the X-ray room, ho... read more..

Susan Davis

Quote #1800

"Wedding vows are not a declaration of present love but a mutually binding promise of future love." - Tim Keller read more..

Clean Puns
Susan Davis

Diet Interview

Conflict Resolution: Always ask angry vegans what their beef is.... read more..

Susan Davis

One-liner #1358

I keep telling myself that I am a pathological liar, but I am not sure if I believe it.... read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - February 21, 2019

Oh look, Thursday! Enjoy the rest of today's mailing! ~ Pastor Tim... read more..

Pearly Gates Jokes
Pastor Tim

Two Wishes Granted

A man walks into a restaurant with a full-grown ostrich behind him. As he sits, the waitress comes over and asks for their orders. The man says, "I'll have a hamburger, fries and a coke," and tu... read more..

Pastor Tim

First Impressions Boss

A company, feeling it was time for a shake-up, hires a new CEO. This new boss is determined to rid the company of all slackers. On a tour of the facilities, the CEO notices a guy leaning on a wall. Th... read more..