Monthly Archive

February 2006

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 65 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Wonders of Creation

Wonders of Creation - Soft Dinosaur Tissue

In the last week of March 2005 the BBC reported that several dinosaur experts had discovered samples of what appeared to be soft tissues from a tyrannosaurus rex fossil bone. The US researchers told S... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Golf desire

Detailed instructions on managing your subscription are included after the body of this e-mail. Near the end of a particularly trying round of golf, during which the golfer had hit numerous fat shots... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Why Are You Here?

A man dressed as napoleon went to see a psychiatrist at the urging of his wife. "What's your problem?" the doctor asked?"I have no problem," the man replied. "I'm one of the most famous people in the ... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Signs You are Broke

SIGNS YOU ARE BROKE 1. American Express calls and says: "Leave home without it!"2. Your idea of a 7-course meal is taking a deep breath outside a restaurant.3. You're formulating a plan to rob the fo... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

House Calls

A pipe burst in a doctor's house, and he called a plumber. The plumber arrived, unpacked his tools, did mysterious plumber-type things for a while, and handed the doctor a bill for $600.The doctor exc... read more..

Rev. Spence Laycock
Rev. Spence Laycock

The Grip of Grace

Water, it's an amazing thing. It makes up about 70% of our planet and about the same percentage in our bodies. It's needed for life, it cools us down, it cleans us, it prepares food and takes away was... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

The End of Speeding?

A speeding motorist was caught by radar from a police helicopter in the sky.  An officer pulled him over and began to issue a traffic ticket. "How did you know I was speeding?" the frustrated dr... read more..

Pastor Tim

Who Should Evangelize?

This message answers a number of questions ? one of which is ?Is it everyone?s responsibility to evangelize or just a gifted few?? The answer, and this whole message, will challenge the status quo vie... read more..

Dr. Harold McNabb
Dr. Harold McNabb

Listen To Him

If you don't know by now, Canada is poised to become the North American Saudi Arabia. More specifically, the province of Alberta will take on that role with unimaginable wealth to be generated. We kno... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Nervous Bride

Apparently this is a true story. A woman in her forties got married but was bit nervous about her honeymoon.The people in the church wanted to encourage her by sending a telegram with a verse of Scri... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Babysitting Reference

We encouraged our 18-year-old daughter to find a job to help pay for her college education. One day she came home with five applications, and later that evening we read them. Under "Previous Employm... read more..

God's Penman
Rev. James L. Snyder

A Page From Betty Crocker's Cookbook

Recently, while sitting in my chair drinking the last of my breakfast coffee, a thought staggered into my mind. I must confess most thoughts are quite lonely once they enter my mind, but this one had ... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Coffee, No Cream

If you are wondering what a Goober is, there is a picture of one at: Goober sister is a waitress at a hotel. One morning a cust... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Hans Olaffsen's Laundry

Walking through Chinatown, a tourist is fascinated with all the Chinese restaurants, shops, signs and banners. He turns a corner and sees a building with the sign, "Hans Olaffsen's Laundry." "Hans O... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Medical Term Needed

The man told his doctor that he wasn't able to do all the things around the house that he used to do. When the examination was complete, he said, "Now, Doc, I can take it. Tell me in plain English w... read more..

Dr. Harold McNabb
Dr. Harold McNabb

What You Believe Does Matter

How good are you at sniffing out internet hoaxes, providing you are on the internet? I think I am pretty good and generally can tell fairly quickly if something is a hoax, a joke or just plain misgui... read more..

Rev. Spence Laycock
Rev. Spence Laycock

Enduring Passion Overcomes Past Misunderstandings

Joshua has just divided up the land to the twelve tribes, the people have rest from war, things look great and then comes Joshua chapter 22. This is about a five minute read, so you're going to want t... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Salt Lake vs. Denver

I couldn't decide whether to go to Salt Lake City or Denver for vacation, so I called the airlines to get prices. "Airfare to Denver is $300," said a cheery salesperson. "And what about Salt Lake Cit... read more..

Wonders of Creation

Wonders of Creation - Atmosphere

In 1996 12 climbers on Mount Everest suddenly died. Many theories were at first put forward to explain this unfortunate event, but none of them stacked up. The climbers were well equipped, and they to... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Hospital Regulations

Hospital regulations require a wheelchair for patients being discharged. However, while working as a student nurse, I found one elderly gentleman--already dressed and sitting on the bed with a suitca... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Little Benny

Little Benny came home from his first day of school and said, "Mommy, the teacher was asking me today if I have any brothers and sisters who will be coming to my school." "That's nice of her to take ... read more..

God's Penman
Rev. James L. Snyder

True Confessions Of A Married Man

This year the Mistress of the Parsonage and Yours Truly celebrate 35 years of marital bliss. During more than three decades of matrimonial ecstasy, I have learned many things. For example, I never kne... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Three Important Words

At my granddaughter's wedding, the DJ polled the guests to see who had been married longest. It turned out to be my husband and I. The DJ asked us, "What advice would you give to the newly-married cou... read more..

Pastor Tim

Salvation and Sanctification

Many of you have already heard Rev. Charles McKnight preach on occasions when Pastor Tim was away, so you will not be surprised at the encouragement this message from Charles is. Listen Onl... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Under Five

A little child in church for the first time watched as the ushers passed the offering plates. When they neared the pew where he sat, the youngster piped up so that everyone could hear: "Don't pay for... read more..

Peggie's Den
Peggie Bohanon

Munchin' With Mary and Martha

I enjoy creative humor--and one day I found the most delightful Web site for women: "Maxed Out" by Debi Stack, Christian author and speaker (see link below). Debi, like me, is a fan of Mary and Martha... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Couple Descriptions

Even mismatched couples may described kindly.1. He's a chiropractor, and she is a pain in the neck.2. He's a funny old goat, and she's a great kidder.3. He doesn't have a dollar, and she has no sense.... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Who's the Boss?

The boss was complaining in our staff meeting the other day that he wasn't getting any respect.  Later that morning he went to a local card and novelty shop and bought a small sign that read, "I'... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Chewed Out

My wife chewed me out at the company picnic a while back. "Doesn't it embarrass you that people have seen you go up to the buffet table five times???""Not a bit," I replied. "I just tell them I'm fill... read more..

Wonders of Creation

Wonders of Creation - The Bible, The Koran, and Creation

Islam is a religion with many adherents, and many intelligent, educated people believe in the teachings of the Koran. In a similar way many intelligent, educated people believe in the altered Bible of... read more..

Results 1 - 30 of 65