Monthly Archive


Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 3504 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.
Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Not For Lunch

My husband retired, and for the first time in over 40 years I had to think about preparing midday meals.Tired of it after several months, I said, "I married you for better or worse, but not for lunch.... read more..

Funny Pictures
Pastor Tim

Tow Truck Dunk

Gilligan, you've done it again! read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim


The following have been taken from papers written by a class of 8-year-olds.A grandmother is a lady who has no little children of her own.  She likes other people's.A grandfather is a man grandmo... read more..

Funny Pictures
Pastor Tim

Computer Tent

Even on vacation, Louis likes to check his e-mail! ... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Swallowed a Coin

The kid had swallowed a coin and it got stuck in his throat, and his mother ran out in the street yelling for help. A man passing by took the boy by his shoulders and hit him with a few strong strokes... read more..

Funny Pictures
Pastor Tim

Sign Hell

It finally happened - and not too soon for some sports teams! read more..

Funny Pictures
Pastor Tim

Monkey Principal

Principal Kelly never understood why students giggled when he reprimanded them for monkey business in the halls. read more..

Funny Pictures
Pastor Tim

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Broken Scale

If you are wondering what a Goober is, there is a picture of one at: goober holding a baby walks into a drug store and asks the clerk if she can use t... read more..

Pastor Tim

Uz and Buz Magnets

Uz and Buz Magnets ... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Sign Return

I was on board the USS Kitty Hawk when we docked in the Sri Lankan capital, Colombo.One morning, as the local fishing fleet passed by on its way out to sea, a boat came too close to our ship. A Marine... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Ten Laws of Life

1. When ones hands are covered in oil, grease, or glue, your nose will start to itch. (Law of Itchiban)2. Your insurance will cover everything but what has happened. (Incuranctions So Sorry Law)3. Whe read more..

Funny Pictures
Pastor Tim

Microsoft Electric Piano

Microsoft's New Electric Piano read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Surgery Headache

A man who had just undergone a very complicated operation kept complaining about a bump on his head and a terrible headache. Since his operation had been an intestinal one, there was no earthly reason... read more..

Pastor Tim

Fight for God's Reward

If you want to receive reward from God, you need to fight for it. Listen Online: {audio}podcast/sm20110619.mp3{/audio} Download {audio}podcast/sm20110619.mp3"> ... read more..

Funny Pictures
Pastor Tim

Scamp Trailer Boat

Usually the trailer goes under the boat. read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

You Might be a Pastor If...

~ You've waded in a creek wearing a necktie.~ You've ever dreamed you were preaching only to waken and discover that you were.~ You'd rather negotiate with terrorists than the church organist.~ You se... read more..

Funny Pictures
Pastor Tim

My Kind of Exercise

This is my kind of exercise program. read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

School Excuse

At the school where my mother worked, the two first-grade teachers were Miss Paine and Mrs. Hacking. One morning the mother of a student called in the middle of a flu epidemic to excuse her daughter... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Goodwill Offering

During the last Sunday service that the visiting pastor was to spend at the church he served for some months, his hat was passed around for a goodwill offering.When it returned to the pastor, it was e... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Goodwill Offering

During the last Sunday service that the visiting pastor was to spend at the church he served for some months, his hat was passed around for a goodwill offering.When it returned to the pastor, it was e... read more..

Funny Pictures
Pastor Tim

Jeep Flat

PRIVATE! I said fix the flat on the jeep! ... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Drought Conditions

Two brothers, both farmers, were talking on the phone.One asked the other how bad the drought was in his area.The other replied, “Well it's got so bad they've closed two lanes at the local swimming po... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

4 Year Old Rider

Mother asks little Johnny, as they wait for the bus, to tell the driver he is 4 years old when asked because he will ride for free.As they get into the bus the driver asks Johnny how old he is. "I am ... read more..

Pastor Tim

Cybersalt's Mission

The mission of Cybersalt is to be Cyber-Salt in the Cyber-World, just as Jesus explained that God's children are to be the salt of the earth.... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Picking a Winner

The bookie slowly counted out the money into the old lady's wrinkled hands."Lady," he said, "I just don't understand. However did you manage to pick the winner?"The old lady patted her white locks in ... read more..

Pastor Tim

Follow for More Than Five

When you return to the Lord, try to follow for more than 5. Listen Online: {audio}podcast/sm20110612.mp3{/audio} Download {audio}podcast/sm20110612.mp3"> ... read more..

Funny Elephant Pictures
Pastor Tim

Elephant Camoflage

Even with camoflage, camera shy Jumbo couldn't hide from zoo patrons. ... read more..

God's Penman
Rev. James L. Snyder

The Taxing of My Fragile Sanity

I'm fine now, but such was not the case this past week. Normally, I am not given to procrastination, except when it comes to giving my money away. I am not Mr. Scrooge but I am Mr. Frugal. I always read more..

Pastor Tim

Pastor Frank Humphrey's ALS Testimony

Dr. Frank Humphrey, Senior Pastor of Peoples Church of Montreal, talks about how living with ALS has impacted his faith in Jesus Christ. ... read more..