In 2008, the inflation rate in Zimbabwe was 79,600,000,000 percent. Yes you read that correctly - 79.6 billion percent! In the midst of that economic environment the Zimbabwean government issued paper currency in denominations of billions and trillions. These soon became worthless and their use abandoned. To this day Zimbabwe does not have a national currency. A curious thing happened though: people started collecting these crazy bills as collector and/or novelty items.
Cybersaltine, Mark R. has donated trillions of dollars of these bills to Cybersalt's "Be a Billionaire" fundraiser. In return for a one time donation or setting up a repeating donation to help persecuted Christians around the world, you'll be sent an actual, general circulation, novelty Zimbabwean bill. What a great gift to get for someone who has everything - except billions!
To set up a recurring donation and receive a worthless Zimbabwean bill click here.
To make a one time donation and receive a useless Zimbabwean bill click here.
To make a one time donation and request multiple bills (suggested prices set) click here.
Finally, if you want to donate but the above options do not cover what you wish, please email us at [email protected]
~ Pastor Tim
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