Monthly Archive

June 2023
Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 46 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - June 29, 2023

Oh look, Chicken Thursday! I have ordered a new desktop computer for Cybersalt World Headquarters: the first new one since May of 2013. I do a lot of training videos and some live streams for my YouT... read more..

Pearly Gates Jokes
Pastor Tim

Invisible Man First

"If I could be invisible the first thing I would do is fly to Paris and find a mime performing on the street and beat the daylights out of him - the round of applause he would get would be amazin read more..

God's Penman
Rev. James L. Snyder
4 min read

What a Wacky World We Live In

I like the old saying, “Just when you think it can’t get any worse, it does.” This is the kind of world we live in today, and I’m still not adjusted to this sort of thing. I’m not sure I will ever ad... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Workplace Insanity

How to keep a healthy level of insanity in the workplace =============================== 1.  Page yourself over the intercom.  (don't disguise your voice) 2.  Ask people to call you "... read more..

Clean Puns
Pastor Tim

Aussie Network

Local Area Network in Australia: the LAN down under.... read more..

Pastor Tim


The strong young man at the construction site was bragging that he could outdo anyone in a feat of strength. He made a special case of making fun of one of the older workmen. After several minutes, th... read more..

Susan Davis

Quote #2189

Sometimes we miss savoring a worthy moment because we are too busy trying to plan a perfect one. - unknown... read more..

Susan Davis

One-Liner #1754

I keep hearing it takes a village to raise a child. Do they just show up, or is there a number to call?... read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - June 25, 2023

Sunday greetings, everyone! I was driving home from a men's gathering last evening (after enjoying a barbeque and making bows and arrows with my son-in-law, Josh) when I started to hear a rattle from... read more..

God's Penman
Rev. James L. Snyder
4 min read

I’m So Poor I Can’t Pay Attention

Occasionally I go to my computer and search for the wealthiest preachers in America. I am curious to know who came up with this idea, but I check it out occasionally to see who they are. As often as ... read more..

Susan Davis

Quote #2188

"Divine deliverance does not always mean an escape from trouble: it sometimes means finding God in trouble." John Stott read more..

Susan Davis

One-Liner #1753

To avoid straining your eyes when you're continuously working, follow the 20-20-20 rule; after 20 minutes of work, look at something 20 feet away, then spend 20 years in the forest. @macabredarklingw... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim
2 min read

Bulletin Humor

I hope the bulletin in your church is more accurate than these ones! 1.  Don't let worry kill you -- let the church help. 2.  Thursday night - Potluck supper.  Prayer and medication t... read more..

Clean Puns
Pastor Tim

Braille Pun

I took a friend of mine who is visually impaired to church with me this morning. Several of the children in the congregation were fascinated with her Braille Bible. One of the adults came over to see... read more..

Pastor Tim


A little boy sat through a Sunday School class and learned about the time Jesus went to a wedding and changed the water into wine. "And what did you learn from that story?" asked his father afterward... read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - June 22, 2023

Oh look, Chicken Thursday! With the summer solstice occurring yesterday, today will be shorter (daylight-wise) than yesterday. Grandma Cybersalt mentioned to me that she does not look forward to the ... read more..

Pearly Gates Jokes
Pastor Tim
1 min read

Elderly Proposal

There were these two elderly people living in a Florida mobile home park. He was a widower and she a widow. They had known one another for a number of years. One evening there was a community supper ... read more..

God's Penman
Rev. James L. Snyder
4 min read

The Great Divide between Brain and Tongue

As my Uncle Fred used to say, "One of the great benefits of getting old is that you know everything." If you had ever met Uncle Fred, you would easily conclude that he certainly wasn’t getting old. ... read more..

Susan Davis

Quote #2187

You cannot see your reflection in boiling water. Similarly, you cannot see the truth in a state of anger. When the water calms, clarity comes. - unknown... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Boris, Bill, & Bill

A throw-back joke to the late '90s when everyone was concerned about the year 2000 and what might happen to all the computers as one century ended and a new one began. Boris Yeltsin, Bill Clinton and... read more..

Clean Puns
Pastor Tim

Archeologist Pun

Archeologist: A man whose career lies in ruins.... read more..

Pastor Tim


You gave me words of kindness tied with a ribbon of gold, hearing them was important to heal my heart and soul. Your gift of words made a difference when I was down and blue, questioning why I bother... read more..

Susan Davis

One-Liner #1752

If you see a toilet in your dreams, DO NOT USE IT!... read more..

Cybersalt News
Pastor Tim

Cybersalt News - June 18, 2023

Sunday greetings, everyone - and happy Father's Day to those who are celebrating! There was no mailing last Chicken Thursday as Grandma Cybersalt and I were spending the last night of trip back east ... read more..

Susan Davis

Quote #2186

"Dad hugs are strong hugs that can say so many things, like 'I've got you. I'm always right here. And I'll always love you.'" - Melvina Young read more..

Susan Davis

One-Liners #1751

Chickens: The pet that poops breakfast!... read more..

God's Penman
Rev. James L. Snyder
4 min read

I’d Rather Kiss a Goat

There are very few things in my life I regret; at least that I can remember. One of the good things about getting old is that you can forget many things. The important thing is to forget the right th... read more..

Pastor Tim

Legacy, Parenting, Mentoring

A teacher was upset that one little boy was swearing in class. "Todd," she said, "you shouldn't use that kind of language. Where did you hear those words?" "My daddy says that," Todd replied. "Well... read more..

Clean Puns
Pastor Tim

Attendance Deal

A Baptist preacher went to visit a member of the community and invited him to come to church Sunday morning. It seems that this man was a producer of fine peach brandy, and told the preacher that he w... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Dads and Babies

My two daughters were having a discussion about family resemblance.  "I look like Mom," said my nine-year-old, "but I have Dad's eyes and Dad's lips." The six-year-old said, "And I look just li... read more..

Results 1 - 30 of 46