"There's a new Jesus," I told my husband today. "The Promise," a popular Branson, MO, Christian musicale, after a brief interlude, has returned to the stage, and the former, Jesus-in-town actor has been replaced by a new look-like Jesus actor. "Mommy, there's Jesus!" the kids exclaim as he walks the streets of Branson, suddenly aware he must also attempt to act like Jesus all day long--in McDonalds, the barbeque cafe, WalMart, wherever--'cause the kids are watching!
Adults are watching too! It's The Da Vinci Code," a Dan Brown best-selling novel and movie everyone is talking about--in the the church, the entertainment world, the media--and your local library.
You can't miss Him--He's everywhere! As Dan Brown, the writer, so ably presents the "new Jesus" in his so-called "facts of history" and "fiction of fame," I would like to present MY Jesus, "the Truth, the Life and the Way" of Scripture I've come to love and embrace. He's the ever-living, ever-seeking Son of God Who was, Who is, and Who shall be Lord and Master to millions like me, called by His Name and won by His love. He's the Jesus of the Bible, God's Word; He's my Savior and Lord--and "the . . .