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My daughter's question caught at my heart. I hadn't seen my mother since before she suffered a stroke and I was fearful. Had the effects of the debilitation changed her more than just physically? I swallowed my apprehensions and answered the question.
"You?ll love her, girls. She loves you both very much."
I could see my response wasn't quite satisfactory. My daughters needed something more. I watched nine-year-old Katie do a pirouette. Her sister Laura, seven, did an attempt at a tap step. A friend had given us an old pair of shiny black tap shoes and both girls had laid claim to them. I smiled. "Grandma was a dancer, you know."
Two little faces lit up. "She was? Did she . . .
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Taking out that wording won't stop anyone from believing in God, but it gives another leeway for the devil to work his bad deeds in our lives!
Freedom is no longer a given here in America. Today, a freedom and right; tomorrow, it's gone! We are now seeing the courts pass laws in order to get their hands on our private property. We think we own land, but, if this stays on the books and isn't counteracted by the Congress, then we are doomed to lose anything that . . .
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I. The Nature of God's Justice is Both Retributive and Remunerative.
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Sweet liberty--whether at the lamppost, the Land of Liberty, or the Cross of Jesus Christ! If you are bound today, in any way, meet me at the Lord's Lamppost--the shining Light of Calvary's Cross--you're free to join me there!!
A Helping Word...or Two!
Free to Love!...Remember Joseph in Bible days? Sold by his jealous brothers, thrown in a pit, chained as slave then prisoner, and finally elevated . . .
The Spur Article Count: 92
Wonders of Creation Article Count: 37
Harris Dvores Article Count: 1
Rev. Spence Laycock Article Count: 49
Rev. Spence Laycock pastors at Church of the Open Bible, Ponoka, Alberta, Canada.
Pastor Bert Nieuwenhuis Article Count: 2
Diane Davis Article Count: 1
Melva's Devotions Article Count: 48
Blog Writings by Melva Cooper.
Melva Cooper is a wife, mother and grandmother from Jonesboro, Arkansas. God has given her, in her retirement years, the ministry of writing for HIM. "Even in old age, you will still produce fruit" is a verse He has given her (Psalm 92:14). And it is her desire to serve Him all the days of her life.
Barb's Mantle Article Count: 59
Barbara, a Christian homemaker, began her Web Site through encouragement from her son, and a dream. It quickly became a ministry for the Lord. She began writing devotionals to encourage, inspire, and build up spiritually those coming to her site. Barbara is a devoted wife, mother, and grandmother.
Sandra Boyte Article Count: 10
Dr. Harold McNabb Article Count: 98
Dr. Harold McNabb pastors at Westshore Presbyterian Church in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
Peggie's Den Article Count: 77
"Ever feel as though life is a lions' den and like Daniel, you're right in the middle of it all? Enjoy these "Devotions from the Den" (Lions 'n Life at Peggie's Place) and delight in God's promises of love, joy and peace for whatever is happening in YOUR den today!"