One lady was enterprising. She thought, I can render a service to people in the city and save them money. She placed an ad in the newspaper that said, "When your pet dies, I will come and take care of the carcass for you for $25." This lady would go to the local Salvation Army and buy an old suitcase for two dollars. Then when someone would call . . .
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Folks, we don't know what tomorrow holds! One day, we might be totally healthy, full of life, and having a grand life. The next, things may flip completely around, and we might . . .
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No, it's not a new Bible story--it's the same wonderful story--and I know--it was NOT a whale--it was a big FISH! Now that we've straightened out that theological twist that you might bring up...and THAT was an unintended pun...grin..., let me assure you, in any event, it WAS deep!
How do I know? Cause I've been there--and so have you! DOWN in the belly of the DEEP--the dark places of life that cause discouragement, despair and defeat! Jonah, God's servant had disobeyed the Lord, and so his deep-water experience was a consequence he had to pay. Sometimes we obey the Lord, and it still happens. Why? And what to do?
We certainly don't have all the answers now--someday we will. Until then, I'm sure there are lessons to be learned "down in the belly of the deep"--and there ARE lessons to be learned from the story of Jonah. He's just "come up" onto shore, he's dripping wet, smelly and . . .
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This makes me just a little bit uncomfortable. It makes me picture a doleful monk or severe nun, doing nothing but fasting and praying all day. I don't think that's what Oswald Chambers, or the Lord, intend. We are meant to live in this world, and live well. Living well means doing what Mr. Chambers says - have only one focus and that is to know and glorify Christ. Do that through all the other aspects and potential distractions of life, and you will live well indeed.
Easy to say. Not so easy to do. We don't want to ?narrow all our interests,? we want to live life to its limit, experience it all. But often, when we're out
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The famous ad placed by Ernest Shackleton got around 5,000 replies. He chose only 27 men for the voyage. The diaries of the men who went to the interview tell of their fear, not of the voyage to the south pole, but that they might not be chosen. One crew member who was turned down made the journey as a stow-away bringing the number to 28.1.
The Spur Article Count: 92
Wonders of Creation Article Count: 37
Harris Dvores Article Count: 1
Rev. Spence Laycock Article Count: 49
Rev. Spence Laycock pastors at Church of the Open Bible, Ponoka, Alberta, Canada.
Pastor Bert Nieuwenhuis Article Count: 2
Diane Davis Article Count: 1
Melva's Devotions Article Count: 48
Blog Writings by Melva Cooper.
Melva Cooper is a wife, mother and grandmother from Jonesboro, Arkansas. God has given her, in her retirement years, the ministry of writing for HIM. "Even in old age, you will still produce fruit" is a verse He has given her (Psalm 92:14). And it is her desire to serve Him all the days of her life.
Barb's Mantle Article Count: 59
Barbara, a Christian homemaker, began her Web Site through encouragement from her son, and a dream. It quickly became a ministry for the Lord. She began writing devotionals to encourage, inspire, and build up spiritually those coming to her site. Barbara is a devoted wife, mother, and grandmother.
Sandra Boyte Article Count: 10
Dr. Harold McNabb Article Count: 98
Dr. Harold McNabb pastors at Westshore Presbyterian Church in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
Peggie's Den Article Count: 77
"Ever feel as though life is a lions' den and like Daniel, you're right in the middle of it all? Enjoy these "Devotions from the Den" (Lions 'n Life at Peggie's Place) and delight in God's promises of love, joy and peace for whatever is happening in YOUR den today!"