Monthly Archive

Welcome to our Archives page. On this page you will find a total of 1308 of our articles broken down into Months and Years.

Pastor Tim

Evion Babies

I don't know about you but when I think about Evian water I think about rollerskating babies. Yeah, I don't either. ... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Scientist's Convention

In the far distant future in the year 4527, a number of scientists from all over the universe were having a convention on a far distant galaxy. Two beings were seated next to one another when they str... read more..

Cybersalt Digest Archive
Pastor Tim
2 min read

Issue #3337

Issue # 3337 Today's Cybersalt Digest is brought to you by: Cybersalt News It's raining pretty hard and steady today at Cybersalt world headquarters and that always makes me think of read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Smoke Detector Lesson

One Sunday morning when my son, David, was about 5, we were attending a church in our community. It was common for the preacher to invite the children to the front of the church and have a small lesso... read more..

Cybersalt Digest Archive
Pastor Tim
3 min read

Issue #3336

Issue # 3336 Today's Cybersalt Digest is brought to you by: Cybersalt News My wife's last blog post ended with a real cliff hanger. Relief from the suspense is now avaialable at: http read more..

Simply Susan
Susan Davis
5 min read

The Life-line

“[Paul’s letter to the Galatians] gives direction in the nature of God’s gift of freedom – most necessary guidance, for freedom is a delicate and subtle gift, easily perverted and often squandered.” read more..

Pastor Tim

One Plus One is Greater Than One

In a world of oppression, envy, and loneliness, God is there to show you the way and help you along it. {audio}podcast/sm20100110.mp3"Listen to this message{/audio}... read more..

God's Penman
Rev. James L. Snyder
5 min read

Shivering Me Time Away

I am not quite sure what has happened but some place has frozen over. And, for that matter, somebody is ice-skating in you know where. I know that I have been colder in the past but I am the kind ... read more..

Funny Pictures
Pastor Tim

Airport Security

Airport security experts have turned to nature to discover the next advance in flight pre-screening once the public grows accustomed to full body scans.   ... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Goober Marksman

If you are wondering what a Goober is, there is a picture of one at: of the best marksmen in the FBI was passing through a sma... read more..

Pastor Tim

Dog Saves Boy From Cougar

You've got to admit that "dog saves boy from cougar" is a pretty amazing headline for an obviously wonderful feel good story.  Though I must say that "cougar saves dog from boy" would be pretty awesom... read more..

Pastor Tim

The Red Sparrows Aerobatic Flying

The Red Sparrows aerobatic stunt flying team is sure to entertain as their death defying tricks and stunts boggle your mind with wonderment about who would try to do such things. Perhaps only pilots a... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Counting the Days

A fellow cop from our precinct had only a few months left on the job, and he could always be heard ticking off the weeks, days, hours, and minutes.Our chief was not amused. "I've been on the job for 4... read more..

Simply Susan
Susan Davis
6 min read

Time of Crisis

Eugene Peterson writes in his introduction to Galatians, “[Paul’s letter] also gives direction in the nature of God’s gift of freedom – most necessary guidance, for freedom is a delicate and subtle gi... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Sewing Lesson

My granddaughter came to spend a few weeks with me, and I decided to teach her to sew.After I had gone through a lengthy explanation of how to thread the machine, she stepped back, put her hands on he... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Bridge Fishing

Two Goobers notice a couple of guys by a bridge. The one guy drops over the bridge being supported by the other one holding his ankles. After 5 minutes, the one hanging over the bridge shouts 'pull ... read more..

Clean Jokes

Engaged Beauty

Before Linda became engaged, she was quite the beauty, and didn't mind letting her boyfriend know it, too. "A lot of men are gonna be totally miserable when I marry," she told him. "Really?" asked t... read more..

Clean Jokes
Pastor Tim

Dryer Message

As a lobbyist in Washington, DC, I'd just finished up a meeting with a Congressman when I stopped to use the restroom.After washing my hands, I stepped over to the hand dryer and noticed that someone ... read more..