ANGER is an interesting topic for a cartoonist. I can go with the traditional count to 10 method of anger management. Or the Red-Green method of Anger Management (duct tape)
The very Biblical Don’t Let the SUN GO DOWN on your Anger.. but what if you get mad in the evening?? Hmmm.. I think I am missing the point of this Biblical truth. Maybe the message is to not hang on to our angry feelings. But what do I know.. I COLOR FOR A LIVING.
Now the impression most people have of me is that I am pretty happy guy that may joke too much. Well, this is true except for the Dr. Jekyll aspect of my personality.. but.. then there is the Mr. Hyde portion of my being. Ok, ok.. I don’t go around killing people in the night.. but I lose my temper from time to time.
Let me site a few Mr. Hyde/Larson moments... and temper moments of others as observed by Mr. Hyde/Larson
- Coaching Youth Sports - can fuel EMOTIONS fueled by competition.
- Playing Sports at my age. No Pain, No Gain? Well.. I HATE PAIN!..and I hurt.
- Watching Sports.. fuels the emotions of many an arm chair quarterback.
- Marriage Emotions.. fueld by the mystery of men and women coexisting.
- Tele-hasslers (rabid-telemarketers) ...I HATE when they call me at dinner time!- Rush Hour Traffic - so much to learn about grace while behind the wheel of my car
- Misguided Theologies .. how dare people disagree with ME (kidding)
- Money Mishaps.. and challenged budgets make me ill
- Conflicts in the Work Place
- Cold Food (excluding ice cream) and service with an attitude at a restaurant
- Bad Customer Service -
- Kids fighting ... has that nails on a chalkboard affect to my emotions
- Driving to Church (when my kids were little) did anything but make me worshipful.
- The Evening BIASED News – just say NO to the major networks!
- Showy Televangelists - where God is lost in the 'show'
- Election Year Politics - where partisan politics is exasperrating!
- TV and Movies - 24/7 of often nothing worth watching. JUST SAY NO!- Fair Weather Sports Fans -
- Changes at Church - should not be allowed without asking me first!
- ANGRY PEOPLE .. make me mad.
and finally..
- When I am RIGHT, and you are WRONG!! and.. WON'T ADMIT IT! kidding, kidding.. I think.
hmmm.. maybe it would the shorter list would be one of things/people that DON'T make me mad.
Do realize, This ramble includes a little ‘Christian Embellishment’ to make a point.
Life is full of stress and anxieties and when anger becomes my reaction.. LIFE CAN BLOW UP IN MY FACE. Anger can hurt relationships with family, and friends. I injure my own mental and physical health.. and anything that resembled the Fruit of God’s Spirit are quickly blown away.
I am not sure even what the source of my anger is. For myself it could be sometimes a defense mechanism for my insecurities? I mean, how secure can I be in myself.. again.. I COLOR FOR A LIVING.
Often I know it has been a counter punch when I feel wronged. But why the need to counter punch? What a waste of energy. Been there, done that too often!!
So with this long winded lead in.. let me share..
My Guidelines for an Anger Free Life..
1. Ephesians 4:26 Don’t let the Sun go down on your anger. In other words, don’t hang on to your anger… or it will consume your thoughts, and your days. Don’t be consumed by anger.. don’t revel in it.
2. Get my eyes off myself,, show compassion and understanding and forgiveness like I wish to receive from God.
There are certainly many more points to ANGER MANAGEMENT than these two. But I believe in keeping life simple, and to realize and live out these Two Back Pew Anger Guidelines the CANCER of ANGER can be tamed allowing me the peace and perspective God intends for my life.
I pray for each of you to live ANGER FREE and focused on God. May the love of God be evident in our lives. Full of compassion, patience, self control, and that peace of God that passes all understanding.