Fasting - A Fasting Alternative - Flee From Fridge - Fast or Diet, Sad Face, - Unshaven? - Not by bread alone - The Communion Diet? - Sacralicious? Potlucks - The Drool Rule - Just like NASCAR - Eternity and Potlucks - The Messiah Factor - Saved by Grace - Potlucks are my 'gift' - and don't forget dessert. - direct SAMPLING - POTLUCK body of Christ?
Spiritual Food - Hungry for God's Word - Spoon Fed Christians - Krispy Kreme Power? - Got Milk? - Body is a TEMPLE - Authentic Tex Mex? COFFEE <-- where I keep all the caffinated christians. BIBLE DIETS Old Testament... - Don't eat kites, bats, or rats .. like anyone should have to tell us that! - One of those roadside Leviticus Cafes - Baking UNEVEN bread? New Testament ... - gagging on gnats - swallowing camels - JBs Honey & Locusts - scrambled scorpions? - snake or fish - fasting for Paul? - bread & carbs? - pizza & wings feast - Acts II Hot Sauce
ETERNITY DIETS - Devilsfood Cake in Heaven - Angelsfood Cake in Hell |