Cybersalt's Body of Christ ConnectionSunday greetings everyone!

Months ago, I announced Cybersalt's Body of Christ Connection - a ministry to connect persecuted followers of Jesus to their brothers and sisters living in faith and freedom around the world. It has taken some pondering and soul searching to come up with the initial organization and information required to support people interested in taking part on both sides. That organized information may now be found at Please consider supporting this ministry emotionally (which I believe will be the greatest burden participants take on) and/or financially.  Also, please do visit the link and share any ideas or feedback you have about this online expression of something that has been happening locally in my immediate community and circle of friends.

Today, on the Cybersalt site, Rev. James Snyder ponders the nice and naughty list of Santa, Mrs. Snyder, and God. You can read more about that in "Nice Is a Matter of Perspective"

~ Pastor Tim