Sunday greetings everyone - and happy Canadian Thanksgiving in Canuckland!

This past Chicken Thursday I discovered that last Sunday's mailing never went out (I stopped one click short of "send" apparently.) So the rest of today's news is really last weeks news, except the last few days have been rainier, so there is some new news for you!


We have been having some really nice fall weather at Cybersalt World Headquarters.

Today I took some pictures in our backyard and I thought I'd share my favourite one of the bunch. It's of a bee on a sunflower our daughter gave us some months ago.

The image will appear small in the newsletter, but you can click on it for a large version. (Also, today's video share is further below.)

Bee on Sunflower

Today's video share answers the question, "How mad do you have to be to want to kill Billy Graham?" This is a great story that many would say was about God triumphing over evil, but I think it's an example of God winning over brokenness. 

Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!

~ Pastor Tim