Oh look, Chicken Thursday and happy 36th birthday to Alyssa, our first born: WOW!

bamboo fluteThis week I went with a friend and his wife to scatter his father's ashes. Upon arriving near the small beach where this was to take place, we discovered the road to the beach blocked by 3 Hydro (electrical utility) trucks. At first we thought, "Oh No, what are we going to do now?" but, after we explained why we were there, the workers walked us past the lines they were working on. This allowed us to walk the rest of the way to the beach. What looked like an obstacle turned out to be a blessing: God had provided the beach for us alone to share that solemn moment together.

Some people learn to play a musical instrument because it "speaks to them." But in today's video share we see a musical instrument that wants you to speak to it!
Click Here to Watch

~ Pastor Tim