I am excited to announce a new project I have been working very hard on: the Cybersalt Shaker YouTube channel.

It has been many years since I've added any new devotionals or commentary to the Cybersalt Shaker area of this site.  I haven't lacked things to communicate, but I have lacked the time to write them down properly as I am terrible at certain elements of printed grammar. However, even though speaking does require the same amount of time to prepare as writing, it's final execution requires far less time.  To put this in the words of many who know me, "I can talk."

Below you will find a video of this same announcement.  It will give you a bit of foretaste of what is in store on this new channel.  I hope you will subscribe to the Cybersalt Shaker YouTube channel through the link in the video, or right now through this link:

Thanks again for being part of Cybersalt!

 Announcing the CyberSalt Shaker Channel


Rev James Snyder videoPastor Tim has retired from pastoring local churches and is now working alongside his wife to help refugees and persecuted Christians.

For more about Cybersalt, the business, head on over to www.cybersalt.com