I AM UNIQUELLY BLESSED.. to serve God as He has wired me sharing original cartoons and reflections of the average Joe/Jeff. Over the years I have appreciated the correspondence and support via prayers, kind words, and financially, and this support encourages me God is using The Back Pew to share clean humor and God's Truth. Maybe someday God will say to me.. "Well Done my Good and Faithful Cartoonist. .. you colored between the lines.. well"
LIKE MOST MINISTRIES.. the Back Pew needs financial support. I have ideas and directions of how to develop and grow The Back Pew as a ministry, but this requires hard work, time, prayers, and the financial support of others.  MY DESIRE FOR GIVING is simply put.. A LITTLE BY MANY. What I mean is.. WHAT IF there would be MANY who feel led to give even a LITTLE? A LITTLE BY MANY simply put would make a BIG difference in the future possibilities of the Back Pew. <pause> Of course A LOT BY MANY would be very nice too. 
-To those of you who already support the Back Pew.. Thank You! and .. -To those of you considering support.. also Thank You! -In the end, I am not concerned with who does or does not give, as that is not mine to decide ... but it is important to communicate THE NEED IS REAL. To view ways of financially supporting The Back Pew please use the SUPPORT link below.
May God bless all of us as we prayerfully serve Him with our resources of finance, time, and the prayers of your heart. In all things.. TO GOD BE THE GLORY! Jeff Larson The Back Pew Guy Key Scriptures of Inspiration in The Back Pew (1) Love God.. love others.. Mt. 22:37-39 (2) Trust God with all your heart.. Pr. 3:5-6 (3) The Lord is my Shepherd.. Ps.23 (4) Dwell on what is true, honorable, and pure.. Phil 4:8 