Not only does this guy have the fastest gun in the West, he also has the fastest mouth in the West. Bad Bob is not shy about shooting either of them.
Not only does this guy have the fastest gun in the West, he also has the fastest mouth in the West. Bad Bob is not shy about shooting either of them.
There are so many things I like about this video of a runaway, driverless car. All of them can be summed up by the term "RETRO!"
OK, you've just been pulled over for having a burned out headlight and you want to get out of the ticket. You could try some time tested methods like crying, saying you are rushing to the hospital where your wife is having a baby or by flashing your badge if you are/were a police officer.
But if you want to try something new, try unleashing a pack of wolves on the officer. Watch this video to see if it works.
Apparently alot of you like hockey so this entry is for you. I have to admit, it is a pretty amazing goal for any player to make - let alone a 9 year old kid.