There is nothing funny about Satan so why should I draw 'pun intended' attention to the devil with disarming misrepresentations of a Red Guy with horns and a pitchfork? .. and comments like 'The Devil made me do it.'
I draw these cartoons along with scriptures, truths, to communicate the irony of Lucifer who was God's most beautiful angel rejected his creator with his own free-will and fueled by his dark-ego and lust for power.
This resulted in Lucifer being cast out of Heaven for eternity never to return. Though these images and my comments are often a smirk at this irony, I pray the message is clear that I believe Satan is real and the dark force in this world, BUT his darkness, and his power dissipates in God's light. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.
( So onward and forward to my BP Prince of Darkness collection )
Satan is by today's vernacular a POSER pretending to be an Angel of Light, and the founder of the Sin that Grace may Abound Club for Men.. and women!
![poser satan]()
![satan smiling]()
He is literally Dressed to Kill going by any number of aliases, all while showing himself at times deceptively charming while other times reveling in his world of doom.
The Bible calls him the Prince of the Air, Beelzebub (or down south Beelzebubba.. The Lord who ATTRACTS flys), and is also remembered on Fathers Day each year as.. the Father of Lies.
I must confess I wish the cold weather of Minnesota would keep Old Red away as you would think his COLD BLOOD would prefer somewhere a bit south of us northerners, BUT I find his influence sadly alive and well in MinneFROZEta all while our 10,000 lakes are great venues for his catch & no release SOULS hobby.
In our bibles there is a great deal written about Satan and his influence, and the following are a few of the more noteworthy 'guest' appearances by the Devil.
Old Testament:
- In the Garden of Eden, Satan in the form of a serpent tempted Eve into eating of the forebidden fruit of Good and Evil which started the domino affect resulting in the original sin.
- Satan wagered Job would curse God if his wealth, and health were taken from him, but Satan lost this bet as Job did not curse God and so had his wealth and health restored.
New Testament:
- Jesus was tempted during a 40 day prayer and fasting time in the wilderness. Satan tempted Jesus to ..
- Turn stones into bread
- Bow down and worship him
Jump from a high place cuz.. angels would save Him.
these temptations proved futile as Jesus rejected them. So Satan knew he was beat again, and slithered back home with his tail tucked between his legs.
- Judas was filled by Satan to betray Jesus
- Revelations is filled with scriptures regarding Satan's role during the end times. The 666 mark of the Beast, the Antichrist, the binding of Satan as he is cast into the pit, and his eventual demise at the hands of his creator.
That's all I have for now regarding Satan. I really prefer not to give him, but instead focus on our Heavenly Father and would prayerfully encourage everyone else to do likewise.
If you do not discover much of importance from this little Satan ramble, please do remember one critical scripture truth..
Resist the Devil and he will FLEE from you. Js 4:7
To HELL with Satan!! <-- My Anti-Tribute