"There is a thin line between a long church service and a hostage situation."
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Teacher Debbie Moon's first graders were discussing a picture of a family. One little boy in the picture had a different hair color than the other members. One of her students suggested that he was adopted.
A little girl said, "I know all about adoption, I was adopted."
"What does it mean to be adopted?", asked another child
"It means", said the girl, "that you grew in your mommy's heart instead of her tummy!"
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"Nobody beats Vitas Gerulaitis 17 times in a row."
- Vitas Gerulaitis (having finally triumphed after losing 16 times in a row to Jimmy Connors)
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A company was hiring new staff. One question in the written application was:
You are driving your car in a wild stormy night. You pass by a bus station, and you see three people waiting for the bus: an old lady who looks as if she is about to die, a doctor who had once saved your life, a man/woman you have been dreaming to be with. You can only take one passenger in your car. Which one will you choose? Please explain your answer.
Think about it before you continue reading.
This must be some kind of personality test. Every answer has its reasoning.
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"There seems to be a need in human beings to see evil and combat it outside oneself, in order not to see it inside oneself. But the struggle is inside of each person and inside each community; it is against all the powers of pride, elitism, hate and depression that are there and which hurt and crush others, and which cause division and war of all sorts. The enemy is inside, not outside.”
- Jean Vanier
Videos Article Count: 47
Illustrations Article Count: 1198
Featured Illustration items are well suited for introducing or illuminating a point in a sermon, speech, or devotional. Funny, moving, or perhaps even graphic, the point of them is the point you make with them.
Quotes Article Count: 2320
Our collection of inspiring quotes.
Sermons Article Count: 523
Christmas Article Count: 40
Easter Article Count: 14
Ten Commandments Article Count: 10
Thanksgiving Article Count: 12
Truth and Reconciliation Article Count: 10
A discussion about Truth and Reconciliation with two members of the Wiikwemkoong First Nation, and a member and Chief of the Aundeck Omni Kaning First Nation.
To find and watch other parts of this video series, visit the playlist at: