"The difference between school and life?
In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test.
In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson."
- Unknown
Our collection of inspiring quotes.
"The difference between school and life?
In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test.
In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson."
- Unknown
"The enemy knows your name, but calls you by your sin. God knows your sin, but calls you by your name."
- Unknown
"Healing also means taking an honest look at the role you play in your own suffering."
- Unknown
"When God put a calling on your life He already factored in your stupidity."
- Unknown
"In all my years of pastoring, I have learned this lesson: A person's spiritual maturity is not truly visible until they DON'T get their way. Then you see the real person."
- Erik Reed
"Accept that life produces more relationships than you can nurture, [and] activities than you can keep up with."
- Dr. Henry Cloud
If you're a giver, remember to learn your limits - because takers don't have any.
- Unknown
"You still haven't met all the people who are going to love you."
- from the song of the same title by David Peralta De La Luz