"God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change,
the courage to change the one I can,
and the wisdom to know it's me."
~ Rev. Tracey Dawson
Our collection of inspiring quotes.
"God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change,
the courage to change the one I can,
and the wisdom to know it's me."
~ Rev. Tracey Dawson
'Jesus didn't say, "Come to me all who are crushing it, living your best life and I will give you rest."
He said, "Come to me all you are weary and I will give you rest."
If you're discouraged, tired, or weary, don't worry. That's exactly how Jesus expected you to come to Him.'
"You can read every fairy tale that was ever written, every mystery thriller, every ghost story, and you will never find anything so shocking, so strange, so weird and spellbinding as the story of the incarnation of the Son of God."
- John Piper
"The first Christmas was pretty simple. It's okay if yours is too."
- Amy Weatherly
Love God
Love Your Neighbour As Yourself
Take Up Your Cross And Follow Me
Forgive 70 X 7
Whoever Is Without Sin Cast the First Stone
Treat Others The Way You Want To Be Treated
Love Your Enemies
Let Your Light Shine
Feed The Hungry
Don't Return Evil for Evil
Visit Those In Prison
Clothe The Naked
House The Homeless
Welcome The Foreigner
Care For The Sick
Love One Another As I Have Loved You
Make Disciples
Take Heart, I Have Overcome The World
"Stop disliking people over what you've heard and be thankful God isn't disliking YOU over what He KNOWS."
"Blowing out someone else's candle won't make yours shine brighter. Remember that."
- unknown