This year, Jehu's Chariot Racing has The
Pastor of Disaster driving the #61
Demo Truck as well as putting together the
1. Help Pastor Tim push some trucks around. The big rule in Demo Truck Racing is you aren't allowed to pass the truck ahead of you uless you make contact with it (touch, bump, spin, etc). If you donate $5.00 we'll put your name on a 2" by 4" label and stick it on the front bumper, front of the hood, or the right front fender and use it to "hit to pass". Sponsor as many labels as you want. | |
2. OK, hitting trucks before you pass them tends to break things on the truck. Donate $10.00 and we'll use it to fix stuff Tim breaks, buy stuff needed to use to fix stuff Tim breaks, replace worn safety equipment, etc. Sponsor as many $10.00 repairs as you want. | |
3. Give Pastor Tim gas. Remember the old camp song that goes "Give me gas for my Ford, keep me trucking for the Lord, give me gas for my Ford I pray, Hallelujah!"? Well, donate $25.00 and we'll buy gas for the Ford (Hallelujah!) | |
4. Buy the hood of a car in the Denomination Derby. We won't ship it to you, but for $100.00 we'll slap your your name, your company's name, or website's name on the hood of a car being driven by a pastor in this year's Denomination Derby. We'll also give you a top ad in Pastor Tim's CleanLaugh list (subject ot suitability) and send your website 1000 site visitors. We'll also e-mail you some pictures of the car your name ends up on and the pastor driving it. | |
5. Buy the hood of the demo truck. We won't ship that to you either, but we will put your name, your business name, web site, or even your mom's name on it (subject to suitability - your business of course- not your mom's name). You will also get a top ad in each of Pastor Tim's e-mail lists, send your website 4000 site visitors and mail you a copy of his CleanLaugh Book. We'll also e-mail you a wack of pictures of your ad on the truck for your own promoting as well. Cost $500.00. | |
6. Name my next child. Just kidding! I do draw the line somewhere - after all its only racing! |
It only figures that going around in circles as fast as you can is going to wear out your tires. Many, many thanks to SOS Automotive for donating their services and taking care of my tire needs.
A big thank you to Islandnet.com for hosting the Cybersalt Web Domain and web page.
When I race, half my church is praying I will be well enough to preach the next morning and the other half is cheering for me - sometimes actually at the track. I am so thankful for the understanding and freedom they give me to be such an unconventional pastor (racing wise).
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