Pastor Tim:
Always stop and smell the roses!!
If you have a few minutes, reading this poem in this issue, brought a very old memory to this 83 year old mind…
I was home to North Carolina from San Diego, CA on boot leave in Feb. 1946. We had cold weather with lots of freezing rain for a couple of days. Then one day it cleared off but it was still pretty cold. Everything was covered with ice.
We lived out in the country on a tobacco farm. I told everyone I was going rabbit hunting!! No self respecting rabbit would have been out in that cold, but it was a beautiful clear, cold and sparkly day so I got my rifle (a Winchester model 74 pump .22 that I had paid $11 for 5 years earlier.) and I went outside.
Right away, the first sound I heard was the tinkling of the ice in the trees. What a beautiful sound that was!!! God’s bells ringing quietly!!! That was my first thought!! What a beautiful sound that was and it accompanied me for the couple of hours that I walked around the edges of the fields of that farm.
I never did see a rabbit, but I really did not expect to. That day still ranks as one of the very best days of my life. I remember it very fondly. I felt very close to our Lord that day!!
Thanks for your e-mails and your sermons. I do enjoy every one that I listen to!!
Claude Covington