"He will shield you with His wings.  He will shelter you with His feathers.
His faithful promises are your armor and protection."
Psalm 91:4 (NLT)

I am a mother of two and grandmother of four.  Words cannot convey the depth of my love for these children and grandchildren.  My protective instincts keep me in unceasing prayer.

This week I have witnessed the love and protection of a mother robin and her tiny baby.  Sunday night as the wind blew and the trees shook their limbs, a bird's nest fell to the ground.  We found it the next day.  It was torn apart and only one of the four baby robins had survived.

We have watched in awe as the mother robin fed, and sheltered with her wing, the lone baby robin.  There in the deep grass she has hovered over and around.  Often she can be seen bringing food to drop in the opened wide mouth of the baby robin waiting for its meal.  She chirps and flaps her wings furiously if she observes that someone is getting to near at hand.

My husband has mowed around the area of the lawn where the tiny robin fell from the tree.  The sun has been rather warm so he built a small shelter to keep the sun from beaming down so hot.  Mother robin coaxed her little one to snuggle up in the corner of the shelter.  The baby bird felt secure again.

Just as mother robin shielded baby robin with her wing, God can be your shelter when you have fallen or are afraid.  When you live in the protecting security of our wonderful Lord you will find sweet rest in Him.  So, today entrust yourself to God's unfailing love and pledge your daily devotion to Him.  His faithful promises will carry you through the dangers and fears of life.

Melva Cooper, Copyright 2004
Used with permission.
