It has been a busy few days but more emotionl than physical...
We have a son who is moving away and it is hard on us to see him go..
We love him very much but we also know that he must live his life ...
We will miss him greatly..more thatn he knows..His presence alone blesses us..
My heart is a bit sand over that but more than anything I want him to follow
where he believes the Lord would have him to be..Smile

Also our Cali (calico cat, she was 6 )was hit by a car in the middle of the night on the 2nd am, and made it up to the house..Our son got her in the house and we loved her until she left this earth..Cry
It is so hard to see a little creature you love die like that...but it comforts
us to have been with her those last few minutes..she knows she was loved...

We had a major mix up with dinner today and it was stressful to have made plans and they fall apart for one really being at fault..Undecided
Lord bless each heart tonight and please allow forgivness to reign in us all..

Another really sad thing is to hear that the loveley man Steve Irwin passed away very awful for his wife and children..My heart aches for them..Cry
Father bless them with the comfort only the Holy Spirit can bring us in our

Father bring peace and quiet to all of our hearts as we walk though this life ...leaning on You and trusting in You for our every step...

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