Oh look, Chicken Thursday!
Grandma Cybersalt and I have made it to Ontario and are enjoying a visit with our daughter and her family.
Enjoy the rest of today's abbreviated mailing.
~ Pastor Tim
Here's what's new on the Cybersalt Site each day.
Oh look, Chicken Thursday!
Grandma Cybersalt and I have made it to Ontario and are enjoying a visit with our daughter and her family.
Enjoy the rest of today's abbreviated mailing.
~ Pastor Tim
Sunday greetings, everyone and welcome to June.
Grandma Cybersalt and I are in Newfoundland: farther East in Canada than we have ever been!
So with that news, enjoy the rest of today's abbreviated digest!
~ Pastor Tim
Oh look, Chicken Thursday!
Grandma Cybersalt and I are travelling. We are enjoying our time. With only a phone to type on, I will tell you more when we are back.
Enjoy the rest of today's abbreviated mailing.
~ Pastor Tim
Sunday greetings, everyone.
Grandma Cybersalt and I are in "getting ready for the next trip" mode, which includes getting things together so we can try and keep sending the Digest out as we travel about.
So with that news, enjoy the rest of today's digest!
~ Pastor Tim
Oh look, Chicken Thursday!
We got some good, heavy rain at Cybersalt World Headquarters last night. That makes me happy because not only is it good for our gardens, our lawn, and our community, it also will provide a nice break from the news complaining about the lack of rain we have been getting.
Today's video is of something I would not want to do, but I do admire all the passion and effort of al those who wanted to break the world record for the longest ski jump!
You can watch the video here.
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing.
~ Pastor Tim