It's busy, busy, busy at Cybersalt World Headquarters so enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
~ Pastor Tim
Here's what's new on the Cybersalt Site each day.
It's busy, busy, busy at Cybersalt World Headquarters so enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
~ Pastor Tim
Cybersalt's Body of Christ Connection is still supporting persecuted Christians and encouraging and inviting others to join in praying for and communicating with them. For more info about that, head on over to:
Rev. James Snyder is trying to show the same patience for summer that God shows towards him. For more about that, you can read "How to Trick Summer into Coming Early" at:
Finally, if you are subscribed with an AOL or Yahoo address, Thursday's mailing may have arrived (or is still going to arrive) late. Somebody who no longer wanted mailings got lazy and instead of clicking the unsubscribe link (located at the bottom of every mailing) clicked their "report spam" button. When people do that, the company providing their email gets grumpy and throttles the delivery rate of my mailings. No worries though - that's just part of the email newsletter world! Just remember, Cybersalt never adds email addresses of those who have not requested a free subscription.
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
~ Pastor Tim
There was no mailing last Chicken Thursday. When I remembered late Wednesday that I hadn't put it together yet, I was just plum tuckered out. There was also no mailing on Sunday, which I blame my granddaughters for, lol. Of course, it goes without saying that anyone who can get "tuckered out" has grandchildren.
True to the old axiom, "Opposites Attract", Rev. James Snyder likes summer, but his is more for winter. To be fair, they both live in Florida, so they are closer than it sounds. You can read, "My Somber Longing for Summer" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
~ Pastor Tim
It seems that Rev. James Snyder may have inherited his sense of humor from his grandfather. This become apparent in "A Healthy Dose of Medicine for the Soul" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
~ Pastor Tim
Our condolences if you have ever sat behind the kid pictured in "Guy Behind Me Sign" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
~ Pastor Tim