It's busy, busy, busy at Cybersalt World Headquarters, so for now I'll just ask you, "Have you played Bubbleshooter lately?"
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
~ Pastor Tim
Here's what's new on the Cybersalt Site each day.
It's busy, busy, busy at Cybersalt World Headquarters, so for now I'll just ask you, "Have you played Bubbleshooter lately?"
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
~ Pastor Tim
Sunday greetings everyone!
One great thing about Thanksgiving sermons is they apply to times other than just Thanksgiving. You'll find my sermon "Thanksgiving is a Choice" (from last Thanksgiving weekend in Canada) at:
The Cybersalt Site has a new devotional from Rev. James Snyder today. James was having a terrible day that had him wondering why he even got up, but then things weren't as bad as he thought. You can read "Why Did I Get Up This Morning?" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
~ Pastor Tim
Today, I'm excited to share with you (to the right) the new logo for the consulting and commercial side of Cybersalt, which will be officially launching on November 1. This new image will be the logo for However, I still need to select a font to go with it. I invite you to help in picking one. If you click on the logo, or click on the following link you will be taken to a page where you can vote for 1 of 6 fonts to go with it:
Now, don't be sad for the traditional saltshaker satellite Cybersalt logo (say that three times fast!) That graphic will continue to be the main logo for, the Cybersalt Digest, the Pearlygates Digest and the soon to be revived (also on November 1st) Cybersalt Shaker Youtube channel.
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
~ Pastor Tim
Sunday greetings everyone and Happy Canadian Thanksgiving eh!
If you are in the mood for a Thanksgiving sermon you will find more than you can shake a drumstick at at:
Also, my sermon from last Sunday is now on the Westside Bible Church website. When we fan into flame what God has entrusted to us, we will find greater ability to entrust what we have to Him. You can hear more about that by listening to "Entrusted for that Day" at:
And finally, for today, Rev. James Snyder Rev. James Snyder's wife tricked him into helping with a yard sale. You can read "Why I Am Suspicious of All Yard Sales" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
~ Pastor Tim
Today's Chicken Thursday shoutout is to Geoff F., who sent a video of Happy Girl. To watch, click on the snapshot on the right.
As I mentioned on Sunday, I totally missed that last Thursday was the 19th anniversary of the first Cybersalt Digest - which was originally called "Pastor Tim's CleanLaugh List." If you want to read that joke you can do so at:
And if you want to go way back, you can see it in its original form (ignore the links at the end since they are all broken):
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
~ Pastor Tim