There is a new Funny Picture on the Cybersalt Site today. You will find "Wet Paint Warning" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
Here's what's new on the Cybersalt Site each day.
There is a new Funny Picture on the Cybersalt Site today. You will find "Wet Paint Warning" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
Sunday greetings everyone.
Since resuming the Cybersalt newsletters I have not yet mentioned a new role that Mrs. Cybersalt and I have taken on together in our association of churches ( We are co-chairs of the AGC's Refugee Sponsorship Initiative ( As some of you know, Canada has a program whereby groups of citizens can join together and bring refugees from around the world and assist them in resettling into new lives. Susan and I are assisting our churches in taking part in this program.
The issue of refugee sponsorship and resettlement is an emotionally charged lightning-rod for debate in our countries, states and provinces, churches and even individual families. For those of us who are followers of Jesus, our response (as always) needs to be an informed one first of all based on what the Bible teaches and commands us. With that in mind I humbly invite you to listen to my sermon on the Christian response to today's Syrian refugee crisis and ask God what He wants your response to be.
You can listen to "Jesus, the Stranger" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
When I moved from Toronto to Vancouver Island (Canada's balmiest climate) I realized that all my life I had been an Westerner trapped in an Easterner's body. Growing up I sometimes wondered if I could ever live anywhere without snow and I was very happy to discover yes, I could.
Technically Victoria gets around a foot of snow each year and that is just enough to keep me on friendly terms with the white stuff - though I will admit you can't really have much fun with only that amount.
Why all this snow talk? It's probably because of the newest page in the FunBlog on the Cybersalt Site. You will find a heart warming video of "Trains Plowing Through Snow" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing.
I'm back. I had hoped to keep sending out mailings while Mrs. Cybersalt and I were back east in Toronto (visiting our daughter, son-in-law, and grandson) but fun family times trumped fun computer time.
On one of our flights back to Cybersalt World Headquarters yesterday, a fellow passenger fell ill and we actually got to hear a flight attendant say that cliché line from an airplane movie; "If there are any medical personnel on-board please let a member of the crew know." I jumped to my feet and exclaimed, "I'm not a doctor, but I played one on television!"
OK, I didn't actually do that (as much fun as it would have been to play "Is there an air marshal on this flight?") Instead, Mrs. C. an I prayed quietly and after we landed we were thankful to see the person able to walk through the terminal with paramedics.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not against having fun when travelling by air. One of my favorite gags (if I think the person can handle it) is to turn to a stranger assigned a seat next to me and say, "You know how every plane disaster movie has a nun or a pastor on board? Guess which one I am!"
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
Oh look, Chicken Thursday!
I haven't mentioned this here yet, but my church has graciously and sacrificially given me a 6 month sabbatical, which began yesterday. The day started out very early with an encounter at the airport that was both funny and inspirational - I'll be sure to tell you the story later.
But for now, due to an early rise, a flight delay, travelling all day, and a bit of jet lag, today's Cybersalt Digest is abbreviated and doesn't contain all the featured items it normally does.
Just the same, I hope you enjoy the rest of today's mailing!