Here is a couple of videos of the super foggy sunset that happened last night behind Cybersalt World Headquarters.
Cybersalt News
Here's what's new on the Cybersalt Site each day.
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There is a new page in the FunBlog today. This simple black and white cartoon portrays what it can be like "Being a Dad at the Park":
Speaking of park cartoons, you'll probably enjoy this cartoon as well. It's one I added to another website I play around with from time to time. Check out "Car Park Trouble" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
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I'm happy to announce there is a new edition of the Cybersalt Shaker online - episode #007! You can watch "Be a Small Intestine" at:
Also, for those of you keeping track, over the long weekend the Cybersalt Site was updated from Joomla 2.5.14 to 3.1.5. I still have a few small things to iron out, but all seems to running well!
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
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Oh look, Chicken Thursday!
There is a new Cybersalt Shaker online today. Watch "Renewed Minds" (episode #006) to find out how a courtesy car from the autobody repair shop reminded me of Romans 12:2.
By the way, some of you have reported not being able to hear the sound when watching Cybersalt Shakers. The problem is actually due to the YouTube player on your computer somehow getting set to "MUTE." Whereas many people over the years have wished they couldn't hear me, here is a tutorial I've created to show you how to turn the volume back on.
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
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There is a new episode of the Cybersalt Shaker online. Are you going to make a little choice today that may be part of a big explosion in the future?
You can watch "Little Choices and Big Explosions" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!