I managed to sort out the error on the old site and can now resume moving over pages to the new Cybersalt Site. Today's update is "Lizard Kiss" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing.
Here's what's new on the Cybersalt Site each day.
I managed to sort out the error on the old site and can now resume moving over pages to the new Cybersalt Site. Today's update is "Lizard Kiss" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing.
I was hoping to have a bunch of old Cybersalt pages moved over to the new site today, but I broke the old pages big time. "Find and replace" can be a great friend and timesaver but when it turns on you watch out!
I did manage to get one page updated before the fateful event, so please try to enjoy it as much as the 5 that I intended to have for you. You will find "Heredity Beard" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing.
Oh Look, Chicken Thursday!
I am happy to announce a new feature on the Cybersalt Site! If there is one thing for the site that has been requested more than any other, it is to have a better search method to plumb the vast archives of material on the site. This has now been achieved in the new "Search Cybersalt" area. You can search the whole site or use the advanced search to restrict your results to whatever categories of content you are looking for.
Keep in mind too that you can also search the web through Cybersalt's Google powered search page. It's the same as searching Google and it helps Cybersalt.
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing.
There is a new entry in the FunBlog today. I actually intended to share it for Mother's Day but forgot. You will find "Cat Mom Hugs Kitten" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing.
Sunday greetings everyone and happy Mother's Day!
It's been a while since I was able to send out the Cybersalt Digest, but I made the extra effort today so I could tell you all what a great mom I have (that's right mom, this is all I got you for Mother's Day.) I have so much to thank my mom for that I could not list everything here, but suffice it to say that I am so thankful for all the the hard work and sacrifices she made for me as a baby, a child, a teenager and now as a grandmother to my kids.
I also want to wish my wife a happy Mother's Day. Years ago I asked Susan what she wanted for Mother's Day and she replied very curtly, "I'm not your mother." Her response left me pretty happy because I was freed from the pressure to buy an appropriate gift. Over the next couple of years, however, I learned that even though she does not want a Mother's Day gift from me she does want Mother's Day appreciation. I am so thankful to Mrs. Cybersalt (my babies' momma) for how she has blessed my life by being such an incredible mother to our 3 kids. Were it not for her not only would they have never been born, but they would also not know what the inside of a public library looks like, that you can get more than just ham or bologna from a supermarket and that standing by and staying with your husband even while he is still growing up really is a long term plan for happiness.
Actually, this Mother's Day is one of firsts for Susan in that none of our kids are home this year AND it is also the first Mother's Day since her own mother passed away. That's the strange thing about these special days we celebrate: there are always others that are saddened by the same celebration and even others who are qualified to be members of both groups. For me as a husband, on Mother's Day I can only do what a husband can figure out along the way. For me as a Christian, I am thankful once again that our lives can be filled with the Hope of Jesus love for us whether we are celebrators, mourners, or both.
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing.