There is a new Funny Picture on the Cybersalt Site today. To see why there are fewer dirty dishes when dad is watching the kids go to "Dirty Dishes" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
There is a new Funny Picture on the Cybersalt Site today. To see why there are fewer dirty dishes when dad is watching the kids go to "Dirty Dishes" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
Believe me, the irony that the link for yesterday's inspirational video "Taking God Seriously" was actually the link for "Jazz Cows" was not lost on me. The correct link is:
There is also a new Funny Computer Picture on the Cybersalt site today. You'll find "You've Got Mail - Old School!" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
There is a new entry in the FunBlog today. If you like cows and jazz music, you'll really like "Jazz for Cows" at:
There is also a new Inspiring Video on the Cybersalt Site. J. I. Packer asks some challenging and inspiring questions in "Taking God Seriously" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
There is a new Funny Military Picture on the Cybersalt Site today. You will find "Major Wedgie" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
There is a new Funny Car Pictures on the Cybersalt Site today. You will find "Warm the Truck Up" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
Today on the Cybersalt Site there is a new devotional from my good, personal, lives across the gravel pit from me friend, Dr. Harold McNabb. "Go Slow!" is the story of a very personal encounter Harold had with God through prayer. You can read it at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
There is a new funny car picture on the Cybersalt site today. Being married to a trades-person isn't always the blessing some imagine, as you will see in "Plumber Repair" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
Today's new entry in the FunBlog is an amazing freestyle yo-yo performance. Seriously, check out "Not your Grandpa's Yo-Yo Competition" at:
Also, I haven't forgotten it's April Fools' day. I am simply unable to do any practical jokes until the court order is lifted and that can't happen until I pay off the final $237,000 in damages (thankfully that is in Canadian dollars.)
But, the judge didn't say I can't put things on my web sites about April Fools' day so I've added a devotional by Dr. James Snyder. You can read "Acting a Fool Is a Full-Time Occupation" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
Stories of the difference that Jesus Christ
makes in a life given to Him.
News from the world of missions.
Here's what's new on the Cybersalt Site each day.