Oh look, Chicken Thursday!
Happy New Year everybody; I pray that 2014 is a blessed one for you.
There is a new funny picture on the Cybersalt Site Today. You will find "Ducks In A Row" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing.
Oh look, Chicken Thursday!
Happy New Year everybody; I pray that 2014 is a blessed one for you.
There is a new funny picture on the Cybersalt Site Today. You will find "Ducks In A Row" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing.
Sunday greetings everyone!
Like many of you I have been busier than the North Pole Human Resources Department after an elf riot in the lunch room.
Today I turned my attention to the Cybersalt Digest and a major upgrade I've been wanting to accomplish. As you may have already noticed, not only does the Digest have a new look, its template is now also "responsive" - meaning easier reading on mobile devices and smart phones. This comes just in time to meet government targets for the great "Less Squinting in 2013" healthcare reform program.
Since Christmas is only 3 days away here are some relevant Cybersalt links to help you have merry minds - and merry souls:
Clean Christmas Jokes - www.cybersalt.org/wcc
Funny Christmas Pictures - www.cybersalt.org/aqw
Christmas Sermons - westsidefamily.org/messages/christmas/
What? Did you think I was pretending to be a pastor?
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing.
Thank you to all our vets for their sacrifice and service!
There haven't been any mailings for a few days because I was relaxing and enjoying a visit from my daughter, son-in-law, and grandson! One of the highlights of the week was having them with me while I videoed Cybersalt Shaker Episode #010 - "Have Sex and Die." It's online now and you can watch it at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing.
There is a new funny sign picture on the Cybersalt Site today. You will find "Tudoring" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
Happy November everyone!
There is a new funny picture on the Cybersalt Site today. You will find "Wedding Legs" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing.
Oh look, Chicken Thursday!
There is a new funny sign picture on the Cybersalt Site today. You will find "Stubbornness!" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing!
Cybersalt Shaker Episode #009 is now online! Have a visit with me and my hot water tank by watching "Lukewarm" at:
Enjoy the rest of today's digest.
Stories of the difference that Jesus Christ
makes in a life given to Him.
News from the world of missions.
Here's what's new on the Cybersalt Site each day.