Oh look, Chicken Thursday!
Grandma Cybersalt and I have made it to Ontario and are enjoying a visit with our daughter and her family.
Enjoy the rest of today's abbreviated mailing.
~ Pastor Tim
Oh look, Chicken Thursday!
Grandma Cybersalt and I have made it to Ontario and are enjoying a visit with our daughter and her family.
Enjoy the rest of today's abbreviated mailing.
~ Pastor Tim
Sunday greetings, everyone and welcome to June.
Grandma Cybersalt and I are in Newfoundland: farther East in Canada than we have ever been!
So with that news, enjoy the rest of today's abbreviated digest!
~ Pastor Tim
Oh look, Chicken Thursday!
Grandma Cybersalt and I are travelling. We are enjoying our time. With only a phone to type on, I will tell you more when we are back.
Enjoy the rest of today's abbreviated mailing.
~ Pastor Tim
Sunday greetings, everyone.
Grandma Cybersalt and I are in "getting ready for the next trip" mode, which includes getting things together so we can try and keep sending the Digest out as we travel about.
So with that news, enjoy the rest of today's digest!
~ Pastor Tim
Oh look, Chicken Thursday!
We got some good, heavy rain at Cybersalt World Headquarters last night. That makes me happy because not only is it good for our gardens, our lawn, and our community, it also will provide a nice break from the news complaining about the lack of rain we have been getting.
Today's video is of something I would not want to do, but I do admire all the passion and effort of al those who wanted to break the world record for the longest ski jump!
You can watch the video here.
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing.
~ Pastor Tim
Sunday greetings, everyone.
I am Gregg - at least for about half an hour this morning. Pastor Gregg is the community life pastor at the church we attend. He is a really great pastor with an amazing heart for people. He also has a lot of little jobs to do on a Sunday morning. For instance, he arrives to the church early and puts out traffic cones on the street to keep church people from parking near the fire hydrants and getting tickets. This Sunday, pastor Gregg is away with his kids and grandkids, so I am on pylon duty, setting out tables, turning on lights, starting announcements scrolling on the TVs in the hallway and Fireside Room, and other similarly exciting things.
Like Gregg I will also have to endure some funny comment I will make as I carry out his duties. For instance, I once (OK, maybe a couple of times) have quipped that Gregg and I booth have three letters in our name. It's OK if that makes you feel sorry for Gregg, but don't feel too bad because unlike when Gregg is Gregg, when I am Gregg I also have to hear everything that comes to mind that I don't say!
Today's video share is a reminder that we all have more in common than we think.
You can watch the video here.
Enjoy the rest of today's semi-abbreviated digest!
~ Pastor Tim
Oh look, Chicken Thursday!
I am pretty happy that the process of migrating the older Cybersalt servers to newer servers with up to date software is complete. There are still little things that pop up now and then that I have to adjust, but it is satisfying to know that the big stuff is all settled and taken care off. Best of all, the Cybersalt Site has never run faster - except for that one time it was being chased by a bear (BTW, never run away from a bear - it's how you tell them you are tasty!)
I chose today's video share because there is a moment in it that reminds us all that inside of every man there is a boy who still has dreams and thinks some things are really cool!
You can watch the video here.
Enjoy the rest of today's mailing.
~ Pastor Tim
Sunday greetings, everyone - and Happy Mother's Day to everyone who celebrates it!
There was a lot of excitement on Friday night when the Aurora Borealis (aka Northern Lights) made a very, very rare appearance at Cybersalt World Headquarters (as can be seen by today's news picture which Grandma Cybersalt took with her phone just before midnight when she turned into a pumpkin and had to get some sleep.) Neither Susan nor I have ever seen the Northern Lights. They are amazing! That said, I want those of you who have never seen them to know that to the naked eye, they do not look like they appear in pictures or move as they do in time lapse photography: they are not as bright and they do not dance in real time.
Don't get me wrong, the colours of the AB are beautiful to the eye beholding them, but their greatest beauty is what they say to the ears of the soul listening to them. The first 4 verses of Psalm 19 read, "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. Without speech or language, without a sound to be heard, their voice has gone out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world."
The fact that nature is saying something to us is a reality that the Apostle Paul, well known for his poor eyesight, clearly saw. In the first chapter of his letter to the Romans, he said that what may be known about God is plain because God has made it plain, "For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood from His workmanship, so that men are without excuse."
The sun, the moon, the stars and everything else that "happens by" in our skies are more than just things to be wowed by. They are an orchestrated message from our Creator, for us to be wooed by, into a deeper life changing relationship with Him.
Today's video share is from off the coast of my province: "Mother octopus defends her eggs for four years off B.C. coast"
You can watch the video here.
Enjoy the rest of today's semi-abbreviated digest!
~ Pastor Tim
Stories of the difference that Jesus Christ
makes in a life given to Him.
News from the world of missions.
Here's what's new on the Cybersalt Site each day.