Several years ago we attended the lovely wedding of our pastor's son. Our pastor had already told us of his role in the wedding. Pastor? Dad of the groom? Well, sorta....but with an added honor...his son had asked him to be his BEST MAN! Now we all know that a "best man" is a groom's "best friend," so our pastor, with buttons popping everywhere, proudly stood beside his son on this special day - his dad, his pastor, and his best friend! It was wonderful to watch!
Our Heavenly Father wants to be OUR best Friend too...if we will let Him. Let's go to the Well and delve a little deeper into the relationship we have with the Lord of the Universe and the Lover of Our Soul! The wedding is about to begin...
A Hurting Word...
I love weddings! I sit misty-eyed beside my husband of twenty years, hold hands, get all warm and fuzzy inside, and feel like I am getting married all over again! Of course, I compare any wedding I attend to my own, decide none can compare, and then return home to the real world of laundry, bathrooms, and messy boys' rooms! Somehow the warm, fuzzy feeling fades real fast...grin...Perhaps you never had a warm, loving relationship with your dad, such as the wonderful relationship I witnessed today. That's sad, and it's hard - but you must let it go. You have a wonderful Heavenly Father who has been with You through your past, walks with you today, and goes before you into your future. He's not only your Father...He's your friend....your very best Friend! You can count on Him, the Lord of Creation and the Lover of your soul, and yes, YOU ARE BLESSED!Several years ago we attended the lovely wedding of our pastor's son. Our pastor had already told us of his role in the wedding. Pastor? Dad of the groom? Well, sorta....but with an added honor...his son had asked him to be his BEST MAN! Now we all know that a "best man" is a groom's "best friend," so our pastor, with buttons popping everywhere, proudly stood beside his son on this special day - his dad, his pastor, and his best friend! It was wonderful to watch!
Our Heavenly Father wants to be OUR best Friend too...if we will let Him. Let's go to the Well and delve a little deeper into the relationship we have with the Lord of the Universe and the Lover of Our Soul! The wedding is about to begin...
A Helping Word...or Two!
He remembers my past! "I remember when..." Memories are an important part in the deepening of any relationship. My Heavenly Father remembers....not the sins--they're forgotten, never to be remembered again. But He remembers the day I was born into His Kingdom, the first baby steps I took as a young Christian, the times I faltered and He picked me up. He remembers the times I would walk and talk with him, and the times He soothed my hurts and calmed my fears. I remember too, and I am blessed. What a Father...what a Friend!
"Today is the first day of the rest of my life." So would a bride and groom say on this very special day of their lives. And so would our Father want us to say EVERY day of our lives. He greets us with the morning sun. He longs for our fellowship and friendship, and loves when we lean on Him through a hard day. He lives in us and through us. He walks beside us in the smiles and sadness of life, through the good times and the hard times, "for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, till death us do part." But there will be no parting at death--for our Father, our Friend, will welcome us into His home to dwell forever and ever. We know the daily presence of an eternal Heavenly Father, and we are blessed. What a Father...what a Friend! He shares my present!
He holds my future! "But I know who holds tomorrow, and I know who holds my hand." The words of an old song ring true....for our Heavenly Father does know the way we take. Today's "best man" could not foretell the future for his son...he just knew that special friendship and relationship would be there, whatever the future held. OUR "Best Friend" knows what lies ahead, and He'll be there for us too. We have the assurance of His Word, He has pledged to us that Word, and in it we can rest. We are held in the hands of a loving Father, and we are blessed. What a Father...what a Friend!

"Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the children of God...(1John 3:1 KJV)."
"Lord, thank You for being my Father, and thank You for being my Friend. Whatever I need You to be to me THIS day, I know You will be there. Thank You. Amen."
All Scriptures are taken from the King James Version of the Holy Bible.
Copyright 2005 by Peggie C. Bohanon, Springfield, Mo. Used by permission.
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