It's Grandparents' Day every day when you have grandkids (so I hear)--so let's go down memory's lane with Grandma and Grandpa this week! We find ourselves on the old Route 66, famous roadway in the early days of USA transportation--running east to west, and straight through my city, Springfield, Missouri. Our grandparents probably traveled that route many a time--and they traveled life many miles too. How in the world did they do it? Facing hardships, lack of modern conveniences, illness, death, tragedy....if Route 66 could talk, it would tell many a heroic tale of those who've traveled before us.
They DID leave us some signs along the highway, so hop in your Model-T antique prized possession and let's head down the road and check out the traffic signs on old Route 66--they're a little rusty but . . .
It's Grandparents' Day every day when you have grandkids (so I hear)--so let's go down memory's lane with Grandma and Grandpa this week! We find ourselves on the old Route 66, famous roadway in the early days of USA transportation--running east to west, and straight through my city, Springfield, Missouri. Our grandparents probably traveled that route many a time--and they traveled life many miles too. How in the world did they do it? Facing hardships, lack of modern conveniences, illness, death, tragedy....if Route 66 could talk, it would tell many a heroic tale of those who've traveled before us.
They DID leave us some signs along the highway, so hop in your Model-T antique prized possession and let's head down the road and check out the traffic signs on old Route 66--they're a little rusty but we can read them--and we can learn from them. That's what really matters!
STOP...and consider His ways!
Godly men and women of bygone days worked hard for a living, from early sunrise to sunset, whether it was in a factory, at home, or shoveling coal in the old furnace in the church basement. Some saints sat around pot-bellied stoves to keep warm while they praised God, prayed and listened to His Word. You see, God's Word was LIFE to these people and they knew they must take time in their busy, weary-worn lives to gain strength from God's Word. They STOPPED along the highway, they considered His ways...and it gave them strength to just kept travelin' on!
And so can we--if we will stop and consider His ways!
LOOK...and clean up your ways!
Our Christian forefathers--and foremothers!!--knew what it meant to be holy. Oh, they weren't perfect, but they strived and yearned to live holy lives. As Isaiah of old, they looked within, saw their sinful natures, and repented--time and time again. They believed deeply what they read and they cried, "Search me, Oh God, and know my heart today!" They discarded every weight that affected their journey; they traveled with purpose and a fierce determination to do God's Will. They LOOKED within their lives, they saw their sins and shortcomings, they "cleaned up" with His cleansing Blood...and that's how they kept travelin' on!
And so can we--if we will look within, clean up and ask God to cleanse OUR ways!
LISTEN...and commit to His Will!
Money was no object with those saints who traveled the road before us. They heeded the LISTEN sign and wherever God's Will took them, they went. Many lived in poverty, in less than desirable accommodations, with little to eat, less to wear--but they served God. They knew that the God who had called them was able to keep them. And He did. Testimony meetings were filled with praises to their Lord who had helped and provided for their every need. They lifted their voices in songs of thanksgiving--for the little they had. God's Will was first in their lives. They listened, followed Him fully...and they just kept travelin' on!
And so can we--if we will listen--and commit to His Will!
GO...and communicate His Word!
Ever hear stories of how the family took their Saturday night baths in a tub of heated water, one by one? YOU may remember how Mama made sure everyone was ready for church the next day. "Did you study your lesson?" 'Did you memorize your verse?" And how many times did Grandpa stop to crank up the old Model-T and hope to get to church on time? They were ready to GO whenever the church doors were opened...and sometimes those church doors were half-way across the world, as God called many of them to missions. They loved God and were ready to go at His command, wherever He led. They went with the Gospel to the ends of the earth, they communicated His Word with power...and that resolve and purpose just kept them travelin' on!
And so can we--as we resolve to go wherever--in obedience to His Word!
Saints in progress, so they were--examples of faithful godly living in good times and bad, serving the Lord with all their might. Sometimes the buggy broke down--sometimes the burdens got THEM down--but not for long. For they were on a journey to the Promised Land--and they were going to make it, by God's Grace. They DID, and now we follow behind! Old Route 66 is not what it used to be--but it's still there, with signs along the road to remind us of godly saints who have gone before. We honor them today--as down that road WE go, serving the same Master they loved and served, for times may change--but Jesus NEVER. Believe it--live it--and have a great week!
"Lord, we remember our heritage this day and we thank You for those who paved the way ahead of us. They served You wholly; they loved You supremely--may we do the same. Help us to heed the signs along life's highway as we travel toward OUR goal, grant us Your grace and wisdom--go WITH us along the way, In Jesus' Name, Amen.