Sat on a bench at the mall one day, and I mall-watched! A parade of humanity streamed by--people of every feature, face, and fashion imaginable. Now my real preference is to "boardwalk-watch" by the ocean, but seeing I live in the Midwest, I have a slight geography problem! I just don't let it spoil my fun, though, for I find it fascinating to watch people anywhere--people-lover that I am!

I know Someone else who is a people-lover--He even watches ME! In fact, today, on Mother's Day, He sits by the Well and watches us all...and He's not just seeing moms. He's seeing women of every feature, face, and fashion imaginable. Women displaying every facet of human emotion--joy and sorrow, love and loneliness, hurt and heaven--some are mothers, some are not, but each one is watched and loved by the Well-Watcher on this special day.

You see, the Well-Watcher knows that whatever our situation, we become drained of the resources we need for life. He understands too that some special days are not special to everyone. Unexpressed dreams, wishes, memories, and hurts? He know--and He cares. Exhausted bodies, worn spirits, weary souls? He knows--and He cares. Fragmented, funless families? He knows that too--and He . . .

Sat on a bench at the mall one day, and I mall-watched! A parade of humanity streamed by--people of every feature, face, and fashion imaginable. Now my real preference is to "boardwalk-watch" by the ocean, but seeing I live in the Midwest, I have a slight geography problem! I just don't let it spoil my fun, though, for I find it fascinating to watch people anywhere--people-lover that I am!

I know Someone else who is a people-lover--He even watches ME! In fact, today, on Mother's Day, He sits by the Well and watches us all...and He's not just seeing moms. He's seeing women of every feature, face, and fashion imaginable. Women displaying every facet of human emotion--joy and sorrow, love and loneliness, hurt and heaven--some are mothers, some are not, but each one is watched and loved by the Well-Watcher on this special day.

You see, the Well-Watcher knows that whatever our situation, we become drained of the resources we need for life. He understands too that some special days are not special to everyone. Unexpressed dreams, wishes, memories, and hurts? He know--and He cares. Exhausted bodies, worn spirits, weary souls? He knows--and He cares. Fragmented, funless families? He knows that too--and He cares! THAT's why He's at the Well--not just to WATCH, but to MINISTER--to YOUR need today. Thirst no more--the wonderful Well-Watcher is here to meet your unique need--whether you're a mom or not; whether you're a woman or not; for He is the God of us all!

And, by the way, if you ARE a man at the well today, you can learn alot by observing the Well-Watcher. See His high regard and respect for woman; note his tough character and yet his tender spirit; watch him listen with compassion and insight. Go and do thou likewise, and you will be loved, respected, and admired by the women in YOUR world!

And that's just a word--from the heart of a woman--to yours!

Scripture: "Jesus answered, and said unto her, Whosoever drinketh of this water shall thirst again; But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst, but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life (John 4:13,14 KJV)."

Prayer: "Lord, fill my cup today--my inner being cries out for the love, joy, and peace that You alone can give. I receive your grace and the Water of YOUR Life this day. In Jesus? Name, Amen."

All Scriptures are taken from the King James Version of the Holy Bible.

Copyright 2005 by Peggie C. Bohanon, Springfield, Mo. Used by permission.
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