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A sinful woman anoints Jesus' feet. "She kissed His feet and anointed them with the ointment. Luke 7:36-50    

Our generation usually travels by car, plane or train. Jesus traveled almost exclusively on foot. His sacred feet led Him to many places. they were restless feet. He had been sent to preach the Gospel of the Kingdom. He could not stay long in any one place. Always the horizon beckoned. Across the next hill, around the next bend in the road there were "other sheep which them I must bring."    

When our feet are busy bringing the Gospel to sinners or running on errands of mercy, we are walking where Jesus walked. Indeed, He walks at our side. How careful we ought to be never to let our feet wander into sin.    

Nails were finally driven through the Savior's feet, when He died for us all. Therefore we should be able to understand the feeling of the penitent woman who kissed and anointed His feet in the home of Simon the Pharisee.    

Christian friends, We have received much forgiveness. The Shepherd went into the sharp brambles and thistles of sin to find us. His bleeding feet speak to us of His great love for us. How gladly we should join this woman in anointing His feet with costly ointment. For these are indeed precious feet.  

Oh to be nearer, nearer,                                                                                                        The feet of my LORD and King                                                                                          Oh to enjoy His presence                                                                                                     And only His love to sing.  

THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - To enjoy the future, accept God's forgiveness for the past.