I would ask you to keep my Gary in your prayers. I took him to the hospital this evening with stomach pains and will will be away from the computer for some days.
"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart, O God, You will not despise."
- Psalm 51:17
"Fasting is a different experience from missing your dinner by accident or through poverty. Fasting asserts the will against the appetite, the reward being self-mastery and the danger pride: involuntary hunger subjects appetites and will together to the Divine will, furnishing an occasion for submission and exposing us to the danger of rebellion. But the redemptive effect of suffering lies chiefly in its tendency to reduce the rebel will. Ascetic practices, which in themselves strengthen the will, are only useful in so far as they enable the will to put its own house (the passions) in order, as a preparation for offering the whole man to God." - C.S. Lewis
Christians friends, what a challenge this is to us. Before we . .
I would ask you to keep my Gary in your prayers. I took him to the hospital this evening with stomach pains and will will be away from the computer for some days.
"The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, a broken and contrite heart, O God, You will not despise."
- Psalm 51:17
"Fasting is a different experience from missing your dinner by accident or through poverty. Fasting asserts the will against the appetite, the reward being self-mastery and the danger pride: involuntary hunger subjects appetites and will together to the Divine will, furnishing an occasion for submission and exposing us to the danger of rebellion. But the redemptive effect of suffering lies chiefly in its tendency to reduce the rebel will. Ascetic practices, which in themselves strengthen the will, are only useful in so far as they enable the will to put its own house (the passions) in order, as a preparation for offering the whole man to God." - C.S. Lewis
Christians friends, what a challenge this is to us. Before we worship God, we are to put things in order by confessing our sins, seeking His forgiveness, and then serving Him. Our daily walk with God and our obedience to His commands are the elements that prepare us for worship.
O holy God, undone by guilt depressing
We come to Thee our every sin confessing;
Grant us, we pray, Thy cleansing and Thy blessing'
We worship Thee, O God.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - God's command is to love Him with all our heart, all our mind, and all our soul.