"So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom."
- Psalm 90:12
Someone has figured out how an average lifetime of 57 years is spent: "We sleep 18 years and 7 months; 15 years and 5 months we work; 8 years are spent in recreation and cultural interests; 5 years are required for meals, and 5 more for travel; 3 years we are sick, and we spend 2 years in getting dressed."
The Bible warns us against "killing time." A famous clock maker pasted this inside every clock he made to remind the owner of the rapid flight and proper use of time.
Lo, here I stand by thee upright,
To give thee warning day and night;
For every tick that . . .
"So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom."
- Psalm 90:12
Someone has figured out how an average lifetime of 57 years is spent: "We sleep 18 years and 7 months; 15 years and 5 months we work; 8 years are spent in recreation and cultural interests; 5 years are required for meals, and 5 more for travel; 3 years we are sick, and we spend 2 years in getting dressed."
The Bible warns us against "killing time." A famous clock maker pasted this inside every clock he made to remind the owner of the rapid flight and proper use of time.
Lo, here I stand by thee upright,
To give thee warning day and night;
For every tick that I do give
Cuts short the time thou has to live.
Therefore, a warning take by me,
To serve thy God as I serve thee;
Each day and night be on thy guard,
And thou shalt have a just reward.
Christian friends, "What portion of our precious time is devoted to God?" Surely, no one should spend the time God has given us for our souls on less important values. Nothing can be more important than the hearing of God's Word, prayer, and Christian service to our fellow men.
I remember a poem my grandfather said,
The clock of life is wound but once,
And no man has the power
To tell just when the hands will stop,
At late or early hour.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Instead of counting the days, make the days count.