"The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, Here is a glutton and a drunkared, a friend of tax collectors and sinners. But wisdom is proved by her actions."
- Matthew 11:19
Jesus condemned the attidude of His generation. No matter what He said or did, they took the opposite view. They were cynical and skeptical because He challenged their comfortable, secure, and self-centered lives. Too often we justlfy our inconsistencies because listening to God may require us to change the way we live.
How can people be so foolish as to reject the sweet and good Gospel? They run to a doctor to save a finger, but they will not turn to Christ to save the whole body and soul for time and eternity. They buy insurance so . . .
"The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, Here is a glutton and a drunkared, a friend of tax collectors and sinners. But wisdom is proved by her actions."
- Matthew 11:19
Jesus condemned the attidude of His generation. No matter what He said or did, they took the opposite view. They were cynical and skeptical because He challenged their comfortable, secure, and self-centered lives. Too often we justlfy our inconsistencies because listening to God may require us to change the way we live.
How can people be so foolish as to reject the sweet and good Gospel? They run to a doctor to save a finger, but they will not turn to Christ to save the whole body and soul for time and eternity. They buy insurance so spare their dear ones the expense of their burial, but they will not accept the gift of salvation to spare their dear ones the cruel torment of separation.
Jesus gave the answer: "Wisdom is justified of her children." Only they who know wisdom will cherish wisdom. Man cannot in his own reason or strength attain to these things. Only the Holy Spirit can lift him to these heights.
Christian friends, The Holy Spirit offers this to us, but most of us choose to remain in our cellars rather than to live among the mountain peaks. May we ever prize and cherish the true wisdom. Winners, losers, wealthy, poor, Jesus died for all. Those who choose to trust in Him are the real winners.
He's the God of the meek and lowly,
He's the God of the rich and the poor,
He's the great God of the universe,
He's my God forevermore.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - Life's real success stories are written only by Christ.