"O Timothy, Keep that which is committed to thy trust."
- 1 Timothy 6:20
We are keepers of the holy faith which Christ has committed to our trust. We may have impressive church buildings, an ornate liturgy, ushers in full-dress suits, but what finally counts in the sight of God is our Christian testimony in word and deed. Many are giving a humble and true testimony of their faith: The quiet Christian who without show finds some holy task to perform; parents who gather their children around them to read the Bible and pray with them; Bible school teachers who faithfully prepare their lessons and pray for their students; young people who refuse to surrender Christian ideals to their easygoing friends.
Christian friends, May we be trustworthy keepers of the faith. One single soul who . . .
"O Timothy, Keep that which is committed to thy trust."
- 1 Timothy 6:20
We are keepers of the holy faith which Christ has committed to our trust. We may have impressive church buildings, an ornate liturgy, ushers in full-dress suits, but what finally counts in the sight of God is our Christian testimony in word and deed. Many are giving a humble and true testimony of their faith: The quiet Christian who without show finds some holy task to perform; parents who gather their children around them to read the Bible and pray with them; Bible school teachers who faithfully prepare their lessons and pray for their students; young people who refuse to surrender Christian ideals to their easygoing friends.
Christian friends, May we be trustworthy keepers of the faith. One single soul who humbly hears the Word of God and prayerfully strives to know and do the LORD'S will is vastly more important than the wood and stone of the costliest church structure. All else is a means to an end, but this is an end in itself.
Faith clings to Jesus' cross alone
And rests in Him unceasing;
And by its fruits true faith is known,
With love and hope increasing.
For faith alone can justify;
Words serve our neighbor and supply
The proof that faith is living.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - None live so serenely, so pleasanty, and so triumphantly as those who walk by faith.