"Peter and the other apostles replied, 'We must obey God rather than men.'"
- Acts 5:27-32
Obedience.. is this perhaps one of the dark sorrows of the world and the church today? We no longer know how to be truly obedient. I suspect that it is a very unpopular word in our neurotic, self-centered, disobedient age. It does not rest easily in our chatter about democracy. We know all about freedom, rights and privileges, but how long has it been since anyone said anything good and right about obedience, the sure mirror of humility and lowliness of heart?
Obedience to what? Since the word is the tolling of a forgotten bell, we must start slowly. There are too many other sounds about. Certainly most of us . . .
"Peter and the other apostles replied, 'We must obey God rather than men.'"
- Acts 5:27-32
Obedience.. is this perhaps one of the dark sorrows of the world and the church today? We no longer know how to be truly obedient. I suspect that it is a very unpopular word in our neurotic, self-centered, disobedient age. It does not rest easily in our chatter about democracy. We know all about freedom, rights and privileges, but how long has it been since anyone said anything good and right about obedience, the sure mirror of humility and lowliness of heart?
Obedience to what? Since the word is the tolling of a forgotten bell, we must start slowly. There are too many other sounds about. Certainly most of us agree that it means obedience to all that is good, holy, just, honorable and right. It is obedience to our daily tasks, to the duties which lie close and challenging at hand. It is obedience to the heavenly vision of godliness and obedience to the lowliest duties but it is always obedience and it is only under the shadow of the cross that we begin to reach the ultimate obedience.
Master, speak, and make me ready,
When Thy voice is truly heard,
With obedience glad and steady,
Still to follow every word.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY - The best way to know God's will is to say, "I will" to God.