This is the day the LORD hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Exekiel 37:1-14
Romans 8:11-19
Gospel John 11:47-53
Psalm 116:1-9
Since the fall the man into sin it has always been our loving Father's plan to bring life from death. In the OT lesson, God pictures that plan through the striking vision of the dry bones being brought to life. In the Epistle the person made alive by the Spirit anticipates sharing in the glory of Christ in the life to come. The Gospel show the life-giving promise near its fulfillment as the Sanhedrin forges the plot "that one man die for the people."
The choice of this text for Lent emphasizes that things are now set for death of Christ to take place. There's no turning back. The week of Jesus' passion is . . .
This is the day the LORD hath made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Exekiel 37:1-14
Romans 8:11-19
Gospel John 11:47-53
Psalm 116:1-9
Since the fall the man into sin it has always been our loving Father's plan to bring life from death. In the OT lesson, God pictures that plan through the striking vision of the dry bones being brought to life. In the Epistle the person made alive by the Spirit anticipates sharing in the glory of Christ in the life to come. The Gospel show the life-giving promise near its fulfillment as the Sanhedrin forges the plot "that one man die for the people."
The choice of this text for Lent emphasizes that things are now set for death of Christ to take place. There's no turning back. The week of Jesus' passion is right around the corner and the plotting begins.
A meeting of the Sanhedrin was called in response to the report of those who had seen Lazarus raised which caused such a sensation, it seemed to them that everyone would soon believe in Jesus, except those who were on their side,(the side of adamant unbelief in spite of the clear evidence.)
According to Caiaphas's cold calculations, there is only one possible solution to this serious problem. Jesus must die either by assassination or a mock trial at which the guilty verdict and death sentence were predetermined. Yet with all their power and influence they were unable to carry out their plan without the direct assistance of the LORD Himself. He would allow the betrayer to assist them and fulfill OT prophecy in doing so, and their plot would materialize only as Jesus Himself would submit to their arrest and lay down His life in humble submission. For He clearly states concerning His life, "No one takes it from Me" A gracious God was in control, making sure that "one man die for the people."
Christian friends, We come this day, called into faith in Christ, gathered into His community, enlightened by His Word, sanctified by His Spirit and kept in faith.
Blest be the tie that binds
Our hearts in Christian love;
The unity of heart and mind
Is like to that above.