"At just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly."
- Rom. 5:6-11
One night there happened to be a drunk lying on the sidewalk. He had fallen and the blood was trickling from the spot on his forehead where he had struck the edge of the curb. As some watched with amused curiosity with which the world greets the sudden appearance of helplessness, the busy street became a lonely hill.
There was another forehead covered with blood. It came from thorns. He fell down too, but only because He was carrying a cross of hard, coarse, heavy wood, and somewhere on that cross were the mistakes, (sin, if you please) of heredity and environment which had brought Him down. To say that there is an intimate connection between a man helpless in the gutter of our streets and the Man on the Cross is to move from the levels of logic and . . .
"At just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly."
- Rom. 5:6-11
One night there happened to be a drunk lying on the sidewalk. He had fallen and the blood was trickling from the spot on his forehead where he had struck the edge of the curb. As some watched with amused curiosity with which the world greets the sudden appearance of helplessness, the busy street became a lonely hill.
There was another forehead covered with blood. It came from thorns. He fell down too, but only because He was carrying a cross of hard, coarse, heavy wood, and somewhere on that cross were the mistakes, (sin, if you please) of heredity and environment which had brought Him down. To say that there is an intimate connection between a man helpless in the gutter of our streets and the Man on the Cross is to move from the levels of logic and reason to the heights and depths of God. For if we believe in Christianity at all, we must believe that the man in the gutter is the reason for the Man on the Cross. The bond between them is close and warm and eternal, and don't ask to make that reasonable.
'Twas not a martyr's death He died
The Christ of Calvary;
It was a willing sacrifice
He made for you--for me.
THOUGHT FOR THE DAY- Your salvation if free because Christ paid the enormous price.