Words from the Cross - BEFORE THE FIRST WORD
In just 47 words our LORD'S ministry of preaching came to an end. No lawyer ever made a better closing statement. In His seven last words from the cross, our LORD describes His mission on our behalf and brings the story of His earthly life to an end in the arms of a loving Father. During the last two weeks of our Lenten Journey this year, we will seek to discover new strength by meditating on what some have called our LORD'S last will and testament. The days leading up to Easter I will bring the "Seven last words from the Cross" ( one each day) and cover each day during Holy Week. If you have music backgrounds you would care to share, I will use them during this time.
When Judas and the soldiers faced the lowly Nazarene, He asked them: "Whom seek ye?" They answered: "Jesus of Nazareth," He said: "I am He," They went backward and
Words from the Cross - BEFORE THE FIRST WORD
In just 47 words our LORD'S ministry of preaching came to an end. No lawyer ever made a better closing statement. In His seven last words from the cross, our LORD describes His mission on our behalf and brings the story of His earthly life to an end in the arms of a loving Father. During the last two weeks of our Lenten Journey this year, we will seek to discover new strength by meditating on what some have called our LORD'S last will and testament. The days leading up to Easter I will bring the "Seven last words from the Cross" ( one each day) and cover each day during Holy Week. If you have music backgrounds you would care to share, I will use them during this time.
When Judas and the soldiers faced the lowly Nazarene, He asked them: "Whom seek ye?" They answered: "Jesus of Nazareth," He said: "I am He," They went backward and fell to the ground," A mysterious power is here, a power which people have never understood I AM THAT I AM.... the last and greatest power in the world. That same mysterious power is evident in the scenes where Jesus is before Caiaphas and Pilate, the curious uneasiness of the world when it is face to face with God. He was only a poor prisoner from the North, bound, alone, beaten, silent. And yet the hurriedly summoned council, the parade of witnesses, the frantic shuttling back and forth, the high priest himself conducting the examination, the general air of excitement, the case was more important than it seemed. So also today. In no other way can we explain all the attacks upon Him and His Church. The world becomes tense and uneasy when if faces the eternal Christ. by O.P. Kretzmann
Christian friends, I hope you will all set aside a few moments to see the wonder of the LORD'S preasence in nature and to contemplate His power revealed in the coming Spring. Many have told me your flowers were coming up.