"We were reconciled to God by the death of His Son."
- Romans 5:10
Whether you realized it or not, when you arose Sunday morning you began a week which commemorates the seven most sacred days in history, those marking the last events in Christ's earthly life: His arrest, His crucifixion, His death at Calvary.
Follow with me this week on a journey through this Holy Week. The supreme need in your life is humble, trusting faith in the love Jesus showed for you and me in His last week, when He finished the work of our redemption.
Everything pointed to an acquittal. Pilate was no man's fool, as he saw that thinly veiled envy was the . . .
"We were reconciled to God by the death of His Son."
- Romans 5:10
Whether you realized it or not, when you arose Sunday morning you began a week which commemorates the seven most sacred days in history, those marking the last events in Christ's earthly life: His arrest, His crucifixion, His death at Calvary.
Follow with me this week on a journey through this Holy Week. The supreme need in your life is humble, trusting faith in the love Jesus showed for you and me in His last week, when He finished the work of our redemption.
Everything pointed to an acquittal. Pilate was no man's fool, as he saw that thinly veiled envy was the real motive behind all the charges against Jesus. Jesus did nothing to incriminate himself.
The Roman governor did not operate on the basis of the truth he knew. Pilate played his trump card: "Which of the two do you want me to release to you: Jesus or Barabbas? He thought surely the crowd would have better sense than their envious leaders, but the plan backfired and Barabbas went free. Was justice served? NO.
Yet look at Jesus' reaction. Though condemned for wrongs He did not commit, Jesus did not protest. He accepted the verdict, not because it was good human justice but because it was divine justice. "We all, like sheep, have gone astray.. and the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all" Isa 53:6 This was the hour for which He had come, for God made Jesus, our King who had no sin, to be sin for us. He became the punished one, so that in Him all of us, who are in our own ways no different from Barabbas, might also be free.
If only they had reflected on the facts and heard Jesus speak, had seen Him perform miracles, and observed His goodness. Examine the evidence!
Jesus is standing on trial still,
You can be false to Him if you will,
You can be faithful through good or ill;
What will you do with Jesus?
PRAY - I stand in awe of the love in Your heart for me, Jesus. You accepted the verdict of "guilty" for my sins so that I through faith in You might be forgiven. Let my life today be one continuous thank-you to You for taking my place. Amen